- At home, Water Gate muffled the thrust of our initiative. 在国内,水门事件影响了我们的倡议的进展。
- Application of automatic monitoring system for security in water gate, pump station and other hydraulic constructions will become more and more popular in the future. 今后在水闸和泵站等水工建筑物设置安全自动监测系统会越来越普遍。
- Before alternation,failures often occurred in the hoist control system of tail water gate in Ankang Hydropower Station,which had impact the normal electricity generation. 安康电站尾水门机电气控制系统在改造前故障时有发生,严重影响电站正常生产,甚至威胁到电站防汛工作的开展。
- The auto-monitor system of pumping station computer net & support system auto-monitor system of water gate WEB service system etc are designed with high and new-technology industries. 本系统利用高新技术开发了泵站自动化监控系统、计算机网络与支持系统、闸门自动监控系统、WEB服务系统等。
- Leakage water system of FeiLaiXia pertain to flooding dam water gate . The electrified innovation of Leakage water system improves the level of the equipment automation, security and reliability. 飞来峡廊道渗漏排水系统是溢流坝泄水闸的附属运行设备,渗漏排水系统电气控制系统的改 造,提高了设备自动化水平和设备运行的安全性和可靠性。
- This paper introduces a typical distributed network structure of water gate control system,discusses in detail internal structure,function of locale control unit and its data communication. 给出了一种典型的组成分布式水闸计算机控制系统的网络结构 ,详细分析了现场测控单元的内部结构、功能设置以及通信实现
- According to the characteristics of an R/R ship mission, this article first analyzes the gate system's mission profile and lifecycle profile. 根据滚装船的任务特点,对其跳板系统进行任务剖面、寿命剖面分析,按跳板系统功能的逻辑关系,构建可靠性分析模型。
- The Congress set up a special committee of enquiry to investigate the Water Gate Scandal. 国会成立了一个特别调查委员会来调查水门事件。
- Nixon's resignation was related to the Water Gate Affairs. She says she is related to the royal family. 她说她与皇室有关系。
- The ADAMS software is used to build dynamics simulation models of the dry dock gate system and simulation results show that these models are correctly built. 运用机械系统动力学自动分析软件ADAMS,建立了干船坞气控卧倒门系统的动力学仿真模型,并通过对仿真模型的运行,证明模型是可行的。
- We find that the people gathered together at the street or square before the water gate. 我们发现人们聚在水闸大门前的街头或者广场。
- The main measures for water gate protection in our country are painting and metal hot spray at present. 目前国内闸门腐蚀防护措施主要为涂料防护和金属热喷涂防护。
- A method to measure the water gate flatness is introduced in this paper.This mothod uses the theodolite and vernier. 介绍一种利用经纬仪和游标量具测量福建水口电站船闸挡水闸门平面度的方法;
- And the temple servants living on the hill of Ophel made repairs up to a point opposite the Water Gate toward the east and the projecting tower. 尼提宁住在俄斐勒,直到朝东水门的对面和凸出来的城楼。
- Based on the numerical simulation and real casting experiment, the influence of the slot gate system on the filling and solidification process of the cylindric magnesium alloy casting is studied. 本研究利用数值模拟技术和实际浇注实验研究了缝隙式浇注系统中缝隙宽度、缝隙长度、立筒直径、缝隙形式和冷铁设置等因素对圆筒形镁合金铸件充型和凝固过程的影响。
- Corrosion of hydraulic steel water gate was an electrochemical process. Chemical reaction and current occur during corrosion process. 水工钢闸门的腐蚀主要属于电化学腐蚀 ,在腐蚀过程中不仅有化学反应 ,而且还伴随有微电流产生。
- In this paper, the key technology on the hydraulic water gate in the Three Gorges Project is fully discussed, analyzed and tested. 论文对三峡枢纽工程中液压启闭机的关键技术进行了全面的论述、分析和试验研究。
- The temple servants living in Ophel made repairs as far as the front of the Water Gate toward the east and the projecting tower. 尼3:26(尼提宁住在俄斐勒、直到朝东水门的对面、和凸出来的城楼。)
- In order to product qualified casting, combined pressure gate with high trapezium gating system is selected. 为了获得合格的铸件,选用了缝隙式和高梯形式相结合的浇注系统;
- At the Fountain Gate they went directly up the steps of the city of David by the stairway of the wall above the house of David to the Water Gate on the east. 尼12:37他们经过泉门往前、从大卫城的台阶、随地势而上、在大卫宫殿以上、直行到朝东的水门。