- A tree that have beautiful flower never bear good fruit. 树开艳花无佳果。
- The grafted trees generally bear good crops at young ages. 这种嫁接植株一般在幼龄期便能盛产种子。
- Water borne paints like acrylic lacquers dry by evaporation of the solvent - be it water based solvent. 如同丙烯酸漆一样,水性涂料的干燥也通过树脂溶剂的蒸发来实现。
- The running water bearing spring will pass away. 江水流春去欲尽。
- A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 好树不能结坏果子,坏树不能结好果子。
- Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 凡不结好果子的树,就砍下来,丢在火里。
- The development trend of water borne primer surfacer and top finish for car body at home and abroad has been reviewed. 简述国内外汽车车身用中涂漆和面漆的水性化趋势、施工技术及其设备特点。
- Toyo Aluminium is developing water borne pastes that help protect the environment. 为了保护环境,公司还开发出水性铝银浆产品。
- No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 因为,没有好树结坏果子,也没有坏树结好果子。
- The strength properties of KY-FW fire retardant wood are also up to the demands of the first-class water borne care retardant. KY-FW阻燃木材的力学性能达到了一级水基型阻燃剂标准规定的相应指标。
- A tree that has beautiful flowers never bears good fruit. 树开艳花无佳果。
- Hutchison Whampoa inns Hong Kong International Terminals and the River Trade Terminal Company which serves the water borne trade between the Pearl River Delta and Hong Kong. 哈奇森·惠姆波公司管理着香港国际码头和河流贸易装卸公司,后者为珠江三角洲和香港之间的水上贸易提供服务。
- A water borne 2K polyurethane coatings for woodenware has been developed based on water borne polyurethane dispersion and various isocyanates crosslinkers. 采用水性聚酯树脂乳液同多种异氰酸酯交联剂配合,制备木器用水性双组分聚氨酯漆。
- One of the pilas used for public washing in Guatemala is targeted for control of malaria and water borne illnesses. Hundreds of people become ill from the water every year. 瓜地马拉的公众洗涤池,目的在控制疟疾和水媒病。每年有数以百计的人因为用水而染病。
- Good thoughts bear good fruit, bad thoughts bear bad fruit--and man is his own gardener. 好思想结好果实,坏思想结坏果实。人是自己的园丁。李阳新年礼物一
- It says the monsoon season will soon begin and children, many of whom are malnourished, are at great risk of contracting water borne and other diseases. 儿童基金会说,雨季即将开始,这些儿童极有可能感染水生疾病等病症,他们中许多人已经营养不良。
- Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 这样,凡好树都结好果子,惟独坏树结坏果子。
- The dark adaptation curve of the VETP bears good resemblance to that ofthe ERG. VETP 的暗适应曲线和ERG 的相同。
- We hope that our actions will bear good fruit and speak of our love and gratefulness to you. 我们希望以行动的好结果,来诉说对您的爱及感激。
- The only discovered animals are water bears, mites, microscopic rotifers. 能够发现的动物只有海蜘蛛、螨和微小的轮虫。