- It gives some valuable advice on how to heighten holistic,macroscopical benefit of deep water well drilling. 提出了从整体上、宏观上提高深水井钻进效益的改进措施。
- Owing to the advantages of high efficiency, low consumption and safety, the pneumatic down-the-hole hammer (DTH) is widely used in the realm of water well drilling, mining, etc. 气动潜孔锤钻进技术以其钻进效率高、低耗、安全等优点被广泛应用于水井钻凿、矿山开采等领域。
- So it finds wide application in the fields of mineral and geological coring exploration, hydrogeological water well drilling, large diameter rock embedded foundation p... 在复杂地层地质岩心勘探、水文水井钻凿、大直径硬岩基桩孔钻进等领域全面应用,取得了显著经济与社会效益。
- We seek to buy the following; Drilling rig, Truck mounted drilling rig, Rig, Mining machine, Water well drilling rig, Mining machinery, Mobile drilling rig, Drilling equipment, Other drilling machi... 查看“机械及工业制品-行业专用机械设备-矿业设备”:公司信息商品信息供应信息
- A new type of mud pump with high flow, high pressure, compactness and light weight is designed for truck mounted water well drill rig, tackling the difficulty in mud pump matching. 为车装水文水井钻机设计大流量、高压力、小体积、小质量的新型泥浆泵,解决其泥浆泵配套难的问题。
- rock bit for water well drilling rig 打水井机凿岩钻头
- truck mounted water well drilling rig 车装水井钻机
- Application of Air Foam Drilling in Arid Area Water Well Drilling 空气泡沫钻进在干旱地区水井钻探方面的应用
- Reverse Circulation Technique with Down-hole Hammer Used in Water Well Drilling 水文水井潜孔锤反循环钻进技术
- Discussion on the Selection of Flow and Pressure of Drilling Fluid in Water Well Drilling 水井钻进施工中若干问题的探讨
- Application of Air Downhole Hammer Drilling in Water Well Drilling in Guizhou Karst Area 空气潜孔锤钻进工艺在贵州岩溶地区供水成井施工中的应用
- Approach to the Technique of Water Well Drilling in Great Thick Boulder Formation 巨厚漂卵砾石层供水井施工技术探讨
- It is Rotarians drilling water wells. 扶轮社员们凿水井。
- Water wells from a spring beneath the rock. 水从岩石下的泉内涌出。
- Market Summary on the Expanding Application of New Air-lift Technology in Water Well Drilling 水井气举钻探新技术推广应用市场综述
- Air-foam drilling techniques and its application in water well drilling of rock formations 空气-泡沫钻进技术及其应用实例
- Research on the drilling technology of applying the foaming DTH hammer into hydrology and water well drilling 泡沫潜孔锤应用于水文水井钻探的钻进工艺初探
- Experimental Research on Reverse Circulation Drilling with Through-type DTH Hammer for Water Well Drilling in Karst Strata 贯通式潜孔锤在岩溶地层反循环水文水井钻进试验研究
- Angle measuring MWD tool is widely used in field well drilling. 随钻测斜仪在钻井现场中应用相当广泛。
- When was the first offshore oil well drilled? 第一口滨海油井是什么时候打的钻?