- water vapor content and flux 水汽含量(通量)
- According to the regional distribution of the water vapor content and the section plane along the sounding site from East-West and South-North, there is biggish difference in the spatial distribution of the water vapor content. 从绿洲上空水汽含量区域分布及沿着探空站南北向和东西向剖面看,水汽含量在空间分布上存在较大差异。
- The water vapor content in COIL was measured by absorption spectroscopy. 分析了利用吸收光谱法测量氧碘化学激光器的水汽含量的原理;在氯气流量为0.;1mol/s的N2-COIL上进行了测试实验。
- Then, the remote sensing data of EOS-MODIS are used to revert the total water vapor content. 同时选取EOS-MODIS遥感资料近红外波段,反演整层大气水汽含量。
- Temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure and water vapor content in order that it shall be saturated with respect to water. 空气在气压及水气含量不变的条件下,受冷至相对于水饱和时的温度。
- Atmosphere scatter correcting was applied to image data, and the value of atmosphere scatter correction was used to account water vapor content. 在此过程中,对图像数据进行了大气散射校正,并使用大气散射校正数估算大气水分含量。
- Based on the radiosonde data in Gansu Province, an analysis of the climate character of the vapor content and the vapor flux in the air, and the vapor source or transportation condition is made. 摘要利用甘肃省各探空站历年的高空资料,通过计算空中水汽含量和水汽通量,对其气候特征、水汽的来源或输送进行分析。
- Problem of Internal Water Vapor Content in Domestic Sealed Device 密封电子元器件内部水汽含量问题探讨
- With the new evaluation method, smaller temperature raising in the catalysts bed was gained, the vapor content and the convertion rate of new catalysts and aged catalysts were more stable than before. 采用新的评价方法后,反应器催化剂床层温升将更小、水蒸汽含量将更稳定,新鲜催化剂的转化率和老化处理后的催化剂转化率都将比旧评价方法要稳定得多。
- Turbulent exchange of heat, water vapor, and momentum over a Tibetan prairie by eddy covariance and flux variance measurements 涡旋协方差和通量方差测量的西藏草原上的热,水汽和动量的湍流交换
- Here was the whole world in storm and flux. 全世界正处于风雨飘摇中。
- Water content and EME index are reverse relations. 含水量与电磁辐射指数成反相关。
- Water vapor condensed on and clouding the appearance of a surface. 雾:凝结或悬浮在物体表面的水雾。
- Calculate the water vapor transmission, and permeance as follow. 按照下式计算水蒸气透过率和水蒸气透过系数。
- Low energy monochromator with high resolution and flux. 高分辨和高流强的低能单色器。
- The book is rich in content and succinct in style. 这本书内容丰富,文字简练。
- For June 2007 using the predicted smoothed SSN and Flux. 根据2007年6月的太阳流及平滑太阳黑子数来(预测)。
- A Method for Estimating Precipitable Water and Effective Water Vapor Content from Ground Humidity Parameters 用地面湿度参量计算我国整层大气可降水量及有效水汽含量方法的研究
- Standard Test Method for Water Vapor Content of Gaseous Fuels by Measurement of Dew-Point Temperature 露点温度法测定气体燃料中蒸汽含量的试验方法
- They are rich in content and varied in style. 它们内容丰富,风格多样。