- Water tree of power cable is a fractal structure, which is attribute to diffusion-limited aggregation model. 推断电缆的水树具有分形结构,属于有限扩散凝聚生长模型。
- Abstract Water tree degradation in XLPE dielectric is an earlier period aging phenomenon during operation of XLPE power cable. 摘要:XLPE电力电缆运行过程中,介质水树枝劣化是最典型的早期老化现象。
- Growing process and shape of water tree in XLPE dielectric is random and branched which can not be described using Euclidean geometry. XL PE介质中水树枝的生长过程和形态表现出强烈的随机性和分叉趋势 ,且不能用传统的欧氏几何语言描述。 基于局部介质击穿计算和分形几何原理 ,估计了水树枝发展形态的分叉趋势和分形维数。
- The polarization and depolarization of the polar end-group of the PE formed in water tree developing will also contribute to this speciaLsignal. 水树枝壁在 水树枝生成过程中所产生的极性端基在不同电场下的极化和去极化作用,也对 特征信号的产生有一定贡献。
- The water treeing in samples under a series of AC voltage is detected. 对交流电压下抑制水树枝的产生和成长也做了研究。
- On Monday, we watered trees and pulled up carrots. 星期一,我们给小树浇水,拔胡萝卜。
- An optimal EEA content was found for prohibiting water treeing generation by experiment. 实验中找到了抑制 XL PE中水树形成的最佳 EAA含量
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Can be used to flush the hard shoulder,parapet of road and sidewalk;can also be used to flush,water trees,or sprinkle pesticide. 可冲洗隔离带、公路护栏及人行道等,也可对园林树木进行清洗、浇灌、喷洒药物。
- The space charge accumulation can be taken as a measure for withstand of electrical and water treeing in samples. 空间电荷的测量可作为衡量改善试样耐电树枝和水树枝能力的手段。
- The properties of water absorbing and water treeing in polyethylene and polyethylene modified samples were studied. 对聚乙烯及改性聚乙烯的吸水特性和水树形成规律进行了研究。
- Different mechanisms to inhibit water treeing were found for ethylene-acrylic acid(EAA)copolymer and sorbital. 乙烯-丙烯酸共聚物(EAA)和三梨糖醇在抑制聚乙烯的水树形成机理上有所不同。
- The harmfulness of water treeing to medium and high voltage XLPE cables was presented. 摘要叙述了交联聚乙烯电缆中的水树对中高压XLPE电缆的危害性;
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- The diagnostic methods for aged insulation due to water treeing are briefly described from the point of view of practical application. 从实际应用角度出发 ,文章最后简要的介绍了由水树引起的绝缘老化的诊断方法。
- Relationship of space space charge accumulation with electrical and water treeing in XLPE modified byEAA[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE,2001,21(7):5-8. EAA改性XLPE中空间电荷和电树、水树的关系[J].;中国电机工程学报;2001;21(7):5-8
- Putting water in brandy is sacrilege. 在白兰地中掺水是可恶的事。
- Relationships of space charge accumulation with electrical and water treeing in XLPE modified by EAA[J].Proceedings oftheCSEE, 2001, 21(7): 5-8. EAA改性XLPE中空间电荷和电树、水树的关系[J].;中国电机工程学报;2001;21(7):5-8
- Water contains hydrogen and oxygen. 水含有氢和氧。
- This paper aims to investigate how the thermal aging influence the water tree behavior of XLPE cable insulation and which factor is the most influential to water treeing phenomena inside it. 通过研究热老化过程对XLPE电缆绝缘中的水树现象的影响,以及在几个有可能的影响因素当中,哪个因素对水树现象的影响最大。