- water source prospecting 水源勘探
- The Yellow River is main water source for Baotou. 黄河是包头市的主要水源。
- Fertile land, adequate water source. 土地肥沃,水源充足。
- Therefor, the BP neural network is a effective way and a new approch to distinguishing the water source in mine, the prospect of its application is wide. 因此,BP神经网络是判别矿井水源的一种有效方法,从而为矿井水源判别开辟了一条新途径,具有广泛的应用前景。
- Space heating with geothermal energy and water source heat pumps. 地热采暖及水源热泵。
- These glaciers are an important water source to Alaska. 它们是阿拉斯加的重要水源。
- Application of GIS in Water Source Appraisal in U.S.A. GIS在美国源水评估中的应用。
- You need to place the trap near a food or water source. 你应把陷阱设在食物或水源附近。
- Koganei interception on the River tributary screw the water source. 拦截金井河上源支流螺丝港水。
- We have to look for new water sources. 我们得想法寻找新水源。
- The jacket of the vessel was connected to a circulating hot water source. 容器的夹套与循环热水源相连。
- They never pollute the water sources here. 从来不会污染这里的水源。
- Polluted water sources are a hazard to wildlife. 被污染的水源是野生动物生存的隐患。
- They are looking for new water sources. 他们在找新的水源。
- Protecting drinking water sources ? 保护饮用水源。
- Neogene aquifer also is the main objective formation and reserve water source. 上第三系含水层也能作为供水的主要目的层,为后备水源,且能提供优质矿泉水和低温热水;
- ASSE 1017 listing is for valves used in hot water source applications. ASSE(美国安全工程师学会)1170认证适用于运用在热水源设备上的阀门。
- The nearest water source is a four-hour walk through sun-baked scrubland . 去最近的水源,也要穿过4个小时烈日暴晒的灌木丛。
- The protection of drinking water source to safeguard the quantity and quality of water. 饮用水源保护和水量、水质保证。
- Pumps cars provide water sources for front-line fire fighters. 泵车主要功能是为前线人员提供水源。