- The article analysis the legislation actuality and gives some suggestions on Water Right System. 本文试图通过分析我国水权制度立法现状,并就进一步完善我国水权制度的立法提出了若干建议。
- But the theory and practice is scanty, especial in legislation on Water Right System. 但目前我国与水权相关的理论研究与实践才刚刚起步,有关水权制度的立法更是薄弱,亟待完善。
- Water right system and water obliges system are both very important to settle the issue motioned in above. 在全面谋划综合治理措施时,水权制度的建设和水权利人制度的推行有可能打破目前研究的瓶颈。
- In the market economy, water right system combining administrative management with market mechanism is the key to realize the sustainable exploitation of water resources. 摘要在市场经济条件下,实现水资源的可持续利用,关键是建立行政管理与市场机制相结合的水权制度。
- Only with the development of human society,and along with the water resources changing from plenty to rareness,the water right system is formed and changed. 世界各国适用了各不相同但符合本国实际的水权制度,但是大多数国家普遍适用的还是优先权制度。
- Only with the development of human society, and along with the water resources changing from plenty to rareness, the water right system is formed and changed. 本文通过对河岸权制度和优先权制度的比较分析,考察每种制度的优势以及存在和进一步演进的客观必然性,明晰水权制度变迁的客观动因,从而为合理构建我国水权制度提供有益的借鉴。
- Texas has gradually set up a surface water rights system in the past 100 years. 在过去的100多年中,美国得克萨斯州逐步建立了一套地表水水权制度。
- The water right system doctrine got all rights about water resources together, which stressed on the comprehensiveness of the water right concept. 水权概念的准确确定实际上就是水权权属范围的划定与规范,也就是建立一套完整的水权体系。
- First of all,the transition from the water intaking licensing system to the water rights system is required by economic development. 首先,取水许可制度向水权制度的转变是经济发展的需要。
- In comparison with the water rights system,the water intaking licensing system also has many good points worthy of inheriting and carrying forward. 与水权制度相比,取水许可制度也存在不少可取这处值得继承和发扬。
- Study on Yellow River water right system 黄河水权体系探讨
- water right system establishment in China 中国水权制度建设
- Research on Water Right System in China'Water Resources Management 中国水资源管理中水权制度的研究
- Finally, discussed the implementation water volume unification to manage and to dispatch the existence the question and the water rights system present situation, and proposed own view. 最后,讨论了实施水量统一管理与调度存在的问题及水权制度的现状,并提出自己的看法。
- In states with riparian rights systems, eminent domain may be used to acquire water rights by nonriparian water companies or municipalities, which can then provide a domestic water supply. 在有河岸权制度的州,不在河边的水公司或自治区可以利用土地征用权取得水权,然后再供应生活用水。
- Second, you have to be in the right system. 第二,你必须身处一个合适的战术体系中。
- The historical characteristics of Chinese water right system and its inspiration 中国水权制度的历史特点及其启示
- Intellectual property right system challenge and countermeasure II. 知识产权制度挑战与对策2。
- A fine spray skims from the water right across the esplanade. 一朵浪花正好打在海滨草场上。
- Initial allocation of water rights is a complex system engineering. 摘要水权初始分配问题属于系统科学范畴,是一项复杂的系统工程。