- Hearing some splatter inside the silent car because car drove across the water pool and splashed water. 宁静的车子里,偶尔听到一些擦擦声,那是车子开过了水洼,溅起了水花。
- This scheme has relatively higher vost in first investment, but user does not need to dig water pool. 其内水为软化水。电容器、感应器及交换器的外循环水采用工厂净环水。
- The FT-IR of the water pool is investigated.The different dispersity morphologies are characterized by TEM. 考察了不同水核的红外光谱图,利用透射电镜,观察到了铟纳米粒子的不同分散形态。
- A special device with arranged steel electrodes and controlled interferential electric field in water pool was designed. 设计了室内模拟装置:在水池内放置排列的钢电极和可控制干扰电场。
- The article introduces the automatic control of water level in acid water pool and its ease of operation and economize on energy. 本文介绍酸水池水位采用自动控制,便于操作和节约能源。
- Although an order of magnitude smaller, the pore water pool can supply enough nutrients to build up the macrophyte biomass pool, but only if a fast turnover is attained. 尽管数量级较小,孔隙水池可提供足够的营养来维持大型动植物的生存,但是需要周转得很快。
- Go so that the mouth does glossal dry, want to search to sell water part, see one a horizontal inscribed board is hanged before one inn suddenly, write on: Clear water pool. 走得口干舌燥,想找一卖水处,忽然看见一店前挂一匾额,上写:清水池。
- View and photograph wildlife in natural habitat : Dall sheep, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, deer, elk, wood bison, moose, may be seen up close.Relax in hot water pool and enjoy the winter scenery. 您将可于近距离观看到大角羊;山羊;鹿;野牛等著名的野生动物;并可在冰天雪地下泡温泉一洗都市的劳虑.
- The Olympic rings are lit by the pyrotechnic 'comet' which flew to the water pool during the opening ceremony of the 28th Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium in Athens, Greece, Aug.13, 2004. 2004年8月13日,在希腊雅典奥林匹克体育馆举行的第28届奥运会开幕式上,状如耀眼慧星般的火焰飞向(场中)水池点燃了奥运五环。
- And it incorporates “green” elements such as a cold water pool in the central area to create a natural air conditioning system, and a roof-top garden landscaped with tropical flowers. 同时,为了展现新加坡的“绿色”理念,展馆中央区域设置冷水池,形成接近天然的温度调节系统;此外,展馆顶层种植绿色植物和花卉,成为一座“空中花园”。
- Time-Dependent Internal Energy Budgets of the Tropical Warm Water Pools. 热带暖水池随时间变化的内部能量收支。
- The pool of water on the playground evaporated in the sun. 操场上水坑里的水在阳光下蒸发了。
- A stone dropped into a quiet pool of water. 一块石头扔进一池静水中。
- The ship have a sea water swimming pool. 船上备有一个海水游泳池。
- The pool of water evaporated in the sun. 那一滩水在太阳照射下蒸发掉了。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- If they are farmed, they are retained in large fresh water or salt water pools that are relatively non-toxic. 如果它们是被养殖的,会被安置在相对无毒的大型淡水或盐水池里。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- She managed to keep hydrated by drinking filthy water pooled upon the floor, but there was no food. 她通过喝房间地板上淤积的臭水来保持身体水分,但是却没有食物。
- At the southwest corner of the present-day Scablands, the flood water pooled, forming another large lake before it drained into the Columbia Gorge and then into the sea. 在今天疤地的西南角,洪水汇集成另一个大湖,随后排到哥伦比亚峡谷,最终人海。