- water extractable content 水可提取物含量
- And higher content of lipids, especially sterols may be one of the reasons for the better medicinal effect of ethanol extract than water extract. 醇提浸膏药效优于水提浸膏的原因可能与其含有较高量的脂类成分,特别是甾醇类物质有关。
- Chinese gallnut water extract may inhibit the vitality of the plaque biofilm. 五倍子水提取物在较短的时间内就能对生物膜中的细菌产生一定的杀伤效应,使其活性下降。
- On the other hand,it is found that the anomalies of the water extractable gold and ... 研究结果表明在这两个地区应用金属活动态测量法进行找矿研究时,可以对其提取有利的相态来进行靶位确定。
- The optimal condition of HPLC determination for the extract content was established: Detector UV,HPLC column ODS,Mobile phase 10% H2O in MeOH. 探讨了煤软沥青庚烷萃取物的HPLC最佳检测条件:紫外检测器、ODS色谱柱、甲醇与水的体积比为9:1的混合液为流动相。
- Method:L9(3)4 orthogonal testmethod was used to optimize the water extraction techniques,with the yield of extract and the content of baicalin as the indexes. 方法:以水为溶媒,干膏收率以及黄芩苷含量为综合考察指标,采用L9(3)4正交试验法对傣药喉舒宝提取工艺进行优选。
- It is shown that the extract content,TLC FID analysis data,characteristics of thermal extract and pyrolysis gas chromatography of reser... 结果表明,油层、水层、干层及气层在抽提物含量、棒薄层色谱特征、族组成及热解气相色谱特征上均存在明显的差别。
- Objective To study the anti-inflammatory activity of the water extract from Radix et Caulis Ilicis Asprellae. 摘要目的研究岗梅水提取物的抗炎作用。
- Industrial Washing machine, water extractor and drying tumbler. 工业洗衣设备:工业用洗衣机;脱水机及干衣机.
- The crude ash and nitrogen free extract content from high to low both are Hypophthalmichehys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idellus, Aristichthys nobilis, Mylopharyn godon piceus. 粗灰分含量以及无氮浸出物含量由高到低均为鲢鱼、草鱼、鳙鱼、青鱼;
- CONCLUSION SBE method was better than water extraction way. 结论蒸玄参饮片颗粒采用SBE法为佳。
- Additional, body of plant sex embellish protects wet product place to contain part basically is to have the plant that keeps wet function to extract content. 另外,植物性润体保湿产品所含成分主要是具有保湿功能的植物提取物。
- Water extracts of RMR enhanced the lipolysis activity in mature adipocytes, which negatively correlated with the triglyceride content within cells. 红麴米水萃物对成熟脂肪细胞脂解活性均有促进作用,细胞中三酸甘油脂含量显著减少。
- Orthogonal test of water extraction was used for Radix Astragali etc.With the weight of water extraction and astragain A content as indexes. 将黄芪等药物进行水煎提取正交试验,分别以水提取物得量和黄芪甲甙收率作考察指标,数据作方差分析。
- In addition, horsebean tissue, soil texture and different water content influence the results of water extraction on some extent. 另外,蚕豆组织、土壤质地性质及含水量对水分提取结果均会产生一定的影响。
- Effect of High Altitude Environment on the Antioxidation of Water Extract from Celosia cristata L. 高空环境条件对鸡冠花抗氧功能的影响。
- The determining value of the Water Extraction reaches over 95% of truthful mannitol content of Cordyceps and its RSD is small. 水提取法的测出量达到冬虫夏草甘露醇实际含量的95%25以上,且相对误差很小;
- The LBP extraction content of explosion-puffed fructus lycii was more than that of non-puffed fructus lycii. 枸杞膨化后多糖的浸出量高于膨化前多糖的浸出量。
- Experimental studies on the anti-oxidation effects of water extract from Chrysanthemum indicum L. 野菊花水提液抗氧化作用的实验研究。
- The sapwood of most species is more susceptible to fungal attack than the heartwood with its higher extractive content. 大多数树种的边材要比含有教高抽提物含量的心材更易受真菌的侵害。