- Water availability is measured in terms of water activity (aw). 水分的可利用性是用术语水活度aw的概念来表示的。
- Is there water available around here? 附近弄得到水吗?
- Be hot water available any time? 随时都有热水供应吗?
- Is hot water available any time? 一直有热水吗?
- Is water available for the public in public areas? 在公共场所向公众提供水?
- There is water available at the hut. 指物)可用的,可得到的。
- And food production is restricted by water availability and water quality while Songhua River Basin supports the only soil belt in China. 粮食产量受到水量、水质的约束,松花江流域提供了唯一的土壤带。
- When the plants are under water for this length of time they have enough water availability for a long enough period of time to completely rehydrate. 当植物被泡到水里这么长的时间;他们就有足够的水分来供应给空凤在未来很长段时间的氢氧化合反应.
- The coefficient could comprehensively show soil water availability when crops are irrigated by sprinkler irrigation systems. 该系数能综合反映灌溉水经过冠层再分配过程以后,田间水分的有效性。
- The countries of the region are caught between the hammer of rising food prices and the anvil of steadily declining water availability per capita. 这个地区的国家在粮价上涨和人均水资源持续下降的困境中腹背受敌。他们没有灵丹妙药。
- P>35. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times. 任何时间你总有一热水瓶的热水可以使用.
- P>35.You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times. 任何时间你总有一热水瓶的热水可以使用.
- You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times. 你有一个热水瓶里面永远装着热水.
- Getting rain instead of snow will also change the variation in water availability at different times of year, and dams set up to capture snowmelt may no longer be optimally placed to capture rainfall. 出现只下雨而不是雪的情况,将会在一年中的不同时间段改变水的可用性形态,那些用于控制融雪的水坝也将不再是雨水的合适驻地。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Zaoqiang Zhang Li Wayao to Tuen Mun area, loosely cover the availability of low temperature hot water in the bedrock in the high-temperature hot water available. 4.;李瓦窑至枣强张秀屯一带,松散盖层中可得中低温热水,基岩中可得中高温热水。
- The structure of water consumption should be rationalized with more water available for ecological purpose. 用水结构趋于合理,生态用水逐步增加。
- The nurse diluted the drug with saline water. 护士用生理盐水把药加以稀释。
- (Graph: Global water availability) (图表:全球可用的水)
- With a water available evaporation must occur and the more so the greater the windspeed. 有水源存在时,蒸发必然发生,且风速越大蒸发越剧烈。