- The boy blew the paper bag out and burst it. 那男孩把纸袋吹胀后又把它弄破了。
- I carried my books in a strong paper bag. 我把书装在厚纸袋里提着。
- She put the waste paper into the big bag. 她把废纸放进了那个大袋子。
- The girl put her lunch up in a paper bag and started on a visit to a zoo. 女孩把午饭装在纸袋里出去参观动物园了。
- We emptied the waste paper onto the floor. 我们把废纸倒在地板上。
- Riesling: The kid crumpled like a cheap paper bag. 那小子像廉价纸袋那样一下子就完了。
- A leather bag is tougher than a paper bag. 皮袋子比纸袋子坚固。
- Waste paper can be compressed into thick cardboard. 废纸可以被压制成厚厚的硬纸板。
- We couldn't organize ourselves out of a paper bag. 我们完全没法把自己组织起来?
- John rolled up the paper bag with the money inside. 约翰把钱卷在纸袋里。
- Throw the waste paper in the basket. 把废纸扔到纸篓里。
- I carried the books in a story paper bag. 我把这些书放在厚纸袋里提着。
- I carried the books in a strong paper bag. 我用了一个硬纸袋携带这些书。
- Throw all waste paper into the wastebin. 把所有的废纸丢进垃圾桶里。
- I carriedmy books in a strong paper bag. 我把书装在厚纸袋里提着。
- It was discovered among waste paper. 这是在废纸堆里发现的。
- I feel sick, please give me a paper bag. 我想吐,请给我一个卫生袋。
- The floor was bestrewn with waste paper. 地板上到处都是废纸。
- Shanghai Chaoqun Paper Bag Co., Ltd. 上海超群纸袋有限公司。
- Don't throw waste paper about in the park. 不要在公园里乱扔废纸。