- waste food materials 食品废料
- Some people waste food while some have not enough. 有些人浪费食物而有些人却吃不饱。
- We manufacture a wide range of candy, confectionery, beverage &food materials. 本公司专门制造食品原料,食品添加物及各类饼干,糖果,饮料。
- The pigs gobbled up the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. 猪大吃大嚼剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。
- Transfer of soluble food materials might be accomplished by diffusion. 可溶性营养物质的转移,可以通过扩散来完成。
- The pigs gobbled down the waste food as if they had not been fed for days. 猪狼吞虎咽了剩饭剩莱,好像有好多天没有给他们喂食似的。
- Wasting food is a grievous wrong. 浪费食物是一种严重的罪恶。
- It is the crucial food material in the invention. 豆种植物决明子,是本发明中的关键性食品原料。
- Wasting food when people are starving is a grievous wrong. 在别人挨饿时浪费食物是一种严重的罪恶。
- The sink is stopped with wasted food constantly. 水槽经常被剩菜剩饭堵塞。
- It's a crime to waste food. 浪费食物是一种罪过。
- The suspensor is thought to function as a channel for the conduction of food materials. 胚柄被认为是作为运输营养物质的通道。
- Food materials may be stored in a special tissue derived from the nucellus, called the perisperm. 营养物质可以贮藏于由珠心产生的一种特殊组织,叫外胚乳。
- Be a welcome guest in a hotel. Don't damage objects in hotel rooms. Wine and dine quietly, and don't waste food. 文明住宿,不损用品;安静用餐,请勿浪费。
- Little light penetrates this zone and thus the inhabitants are all heterotrophic, depending on the littoral and sublittoral organisms for basic food materials. 透过此区域的光很少,因此栖息生物都不是自养的,主要以浅海的和远浅海的生物作为基本食物来源。
- As middle school students, we shouldn't waste food, especially when we are eating in the dining hall. 作为中学生,我们不应该浪费食物,尤其当我们在食堂吃饭的时候。
- This paper presents characteristics and classification of antifreeze proteins as well as their application in food industry as a new food materials. 阐述抗冻蛋白的特性及分类,讨论抗冻蛋白作为一种新的食品原料在食品工业中的应用及前景。
- Fillings from the city of Nagano, the problem of food materials sales company, "Fuji Maru", in Qingdao, China, a joint venture production. 问题馅料由长野市食品材料销售公司“丸富士”,在中国青岛的合资企业生产。
- Dining on time, and washing hands before meal, than enjoying yourself according to your taste. Don't waste food supplies. 按时就餐,饭前便后要洗手,根据各人的口味吃饱喝足。不要浪费粮食。
- High total viable bacteria counts can be attributed to improper cleaning and sanitizing of water, equipment and food materials. 高的活性菌总量可能是不干净及消毒不足的水、设备及食物材料造成的。