- wash water channel 洗水沟
- Wiping the dirty cloth used to wash water. 抹布擦脏了要用清水洗净。
- Scope: Vehicle wash water. Vehicle wash water. 经营范围:机动车无水清洗。
- A strait is a narrow water channel between two land masses. 海峡是两片陆地之间的一条狭窄水道。
- The wash water from the gas washer was heavilyladen with solid particles. 从涤气器出来的洗涤水夹带有大量的固体微粒。
- A navigable deep - water channel in a river or harbor or along a coastline. 航路河流、港口或沿海岸的深水可航航道
- One explosion occurred on a river bank near to an outlet carrying waste wash water. 其中一次爆炸发生在接近洗涤废水出口的河岸上。
- The wastewater consist of the sludge flushed out from the sedimentation tanks and the wash water disposed from the filter beds. 这些污水主要来自沉淀池或澄清池的排泥水和滤池的反冲洗排水,这些污水如果不经处理直接排入水体,不但污染水体,而且浪费了大量的水资源。
- Question 12: The blue line on the east side of the planning sketch means water channel? 问题12:规划图东侧蓝线表示是否为水渠?答:是的。
- Condensate as well as the wash water for the GGH is drained through the corresponding drain system into the absorber pit. 凝结水通常为烟气换热器的冲洗水,它们被烟道疏水系统排至吸收塔排水坑。
- Add to pot, add water amount, a little Congduan Add ginger, white wine, boil water Zhuo about 1 minute, remove immediately put in wash water. 放入锅内,加清水适量,放入少许葱段姜片、白酒,烧开,焯水约1分钟,随即捞出放清水中洗净。
- Aquaporin(AQP) is a highly selective protein family of water channel,which includes 13 members. 水通道蛋白是具有高度选择性的水孔道特异蛋白质家族,有13个家族成员。
- Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour, chlorine bleach. 丝光冲洗水可用作配制洗涤液氯漂白液。
- Dry mountain climate, with the size of the artificial water channel 6, the effective irrigation area of 2398 mu. 山下气候干燥,有大小人工引水渠道6条,有效灌溉面积2398亩。
- Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour , chlorine bleach. 丝光冲洗水可用作配制洗涤液氯漂白液。
- Main products: fresh water crawfish series, fresh water shrimp series, fresh water channel catfish, etc. 主要产品:小龙虾、青虾、鱼片等三大系列。
- Westerner: Why are we drinking this hand washing water? 西方人:我们为什么要喝洗手水啊?
- Scientists attribute this to good quality water and a lack of natural predators in the water channel that runs under the Palatine Hill and surfaces in the Trajan Market. 科学家认为这全归功于水质良好,加上这条流经派拉庭山丘地底并在图拉真市集浮现出来的水道,没有大自然掠夺者。
- Water for electronic industry use: the wash water of electronic components, such as: integrate circuit, silicon wafer, display tube, electrode tube, and circuitry tube, etc. 电子工业用水:集成电路、硅晶片、显示管、电极管、电路管等电子元件冲洗水。
- Because the washing water (has gone bad) mistakenly, must recreate. 因为洗水错了(坏了),要重做。