- The circus clowns dashed buckets of white wash over each other. 马戏团的小丑们相互将一桶桶白涂料倒向对方。
- She manages to let criticism just wash over her. 她克服了别人批评所造成的影响。
- Feigned affections wash over me. 虚伪的爱情已经溅满我的全身。
- Huge waves washed over the deck of the ship. 巨浪从船甲板上打了过去。
- They can wash over me in a deluge or softly as a light mist. 它们可如暴雨般当头淋下,或如薄雾般轻柔拂过。
- Elizabeth lay there, letting the past wash over her, remembering it all. 伊丽莎白躺在那里,让过去冲刷她,回忆着一切。
- Bobbing effortlessly, you feel a pleasant sense of well-being wash over you. 你可以不费吹灰之力地上下浮动,全身沐浴在幸福的感觉之中。
- He shakes his head and relief washes over me. 他摇摇头,这让我感到一阵轻松。
- A feeling of utter helplessness washed over him. 一种全然无助的感觉涌上他的心头。
- Huge waves washed over the deck. 巨浪溅泼在甲板上。
- Waves of nausea washed over him. 他突然感到阵阵恶心。
- Wave upon wave of applause washed over us. 欢呼声一浪高过一浪地向我们涌来。
- Huge waves washed over the deck . 巨浪溅泼在甲板上。
- The crackle of burning parchment, the corners turning to ash as waves of heat and ancient magic wash over him. 那张羊皮纸被烧掉了,发出轻微的爆裂声,最后一点也在热浪之中变成了灰,那古老的魔法在他面前消失了。
- No, I also found him strangely attractive."Draco feels a wave of mortification wash over him. 不,我还发觉他有种奇怪的魅力。“Draco觉得他被羞辱之感淹没了。
- Suddenly Stella felt the most amazing sensation of peace and benediction wash over her. 突然间,斯特拉觉得自己沉浸在一片平静和享受祝福的奇妙感情中,就像被裹在充满爱意的怀抱之中。
- Every day, clouds wash over these high meadows, coaxing new blooms from the rich glacial soils. 每天,乌云在高山牧场上空翻滚,在肥沃的冰山土壤上催生出新的花朵。
- The swaying hips and undulating arm movements of a hula dancer imitate the waves that wash over Hawaii's shores. 那摇摆的髋部和波浪起伏的肢体运动的草群舞女,她的动作就像那夏威夷的海浪。
- Even the announcers on Chinese television didn't know what to say, letting silence wash over the airwaves. 就连中国电视台的播音员也不知如何报道了,电波中只有寂静。
- If the krill stayed at the surface, they'd wash over the bay's coral walls and out to the safety of the open sea. 如果它们一直待在表层,它们会冲刷湾内的珊瑚礁并最终冲掉礁石进入宽阔的安全开放海域。