- wars in late Ming Dynasty 明末战争
- Xiaopin in Late Ming dynasty refers to literary proses after Wanli time. 晚明小品是指明代万历以后出现的文学性散文。
- Yang Wencong was not only a famous Scholar-painter, but also an import ant bureaucrat in Late Ming Dynasty. 杨文骢是晚明文人画坛的重要画家,但同时也是晚明政局中举足轻重的人物。
- Min-family and Ling-family in WuXing was important private publisher in late Ming dynasty. 摘要吴兴闵氏、凌氏家族是明代后期浙江重要的私家刻书商。
- Supervisors' transmuting produce bad influence in late Ming dynasty and accelerate the declining and fa... 言官的蜕变对明中后期社会产生了恶劣影响,对明朝的衰亡起了推波助澜的作用。
- It met Townspeople's aspirations and reflected the tastes of secular people in late Ming Dynasty making literature to meet ordinary civilians. 适应了市井细民的渴求,反映了晚明世俗百姓的审美趣味,张扬和明示着文学适应市井平民的文学趋向。
- This paper investigates two important problems about Zhang Dai who is a historian and literator in late Ming Dynasty by the way of textual research. 摘要本文对张岱研究中两个重要悬案进行了严密的考辨:一是关于卒年。
- In late Ming dynasty, two extreme life attitudes-renouncing and resistance were popular among scholars in the south of Yangzi River. 摘要明代晚期,悠闲思隐与激昂抗愤,两种颇为极端的人生态度,同时流行于江南士人群体之中。
- Essays in Late Ming Dynasty advocate exquisite feeling of nature to be unique,stress emphasis on the individual perceptual existence and common custom demand and bodily joy. 晚明小品文具有超然洒脱的闲情逸致,崇尚大自然的幽情别致,重视个体感性的存在、世俗需求和身体的快乐。
- It had also brought up an overweening cultural personality, and its cultural rays of light had bathed the tour minds and words and deeds of intellectual in late Ming Dynasty. 晚明市民文化造就了一种具有时代特点的惟我独尊、狂傲无比的文化人格,其所折射出来的文化光芒,沐浴着晚明文人士子的旅游心理和言行。
- I'm the real Jian blindman.The style of hilt is similar with that of Kangxi.It's in late Ming dynasty from the style of blade.Take a middle course it's in late Ming and early Qing dynasty. 俺才是真正的剑盲,剑的柄式与康熙剑相近,刃式看明晚,得个折中就成了明末清初了,别拿砖头砸我!
- The image of Ximen Qing emerged in mid and late Ming Dynasty. 西门庆形象产生的时代背景是明代中后叶。
- On Reason of the Large Famine in Late Ming Dynasty 明末大饥荒实因人祸考
- On the Rise of Song Poems in Late Ming Dynasty 论晚明宋诗风的兴起
- the short plays in late Ming Dynasty 晚明小品
- utural spreading by Literators in Late Ming Dynasty 立意新
- famous prostitutes in late Ming dynasty 晚明名妓
- The weapons from foreign countries gave astonishing play to power in Liaoshen Wars in the Ming dynasty, but it was confined to the capability and technology of manipulater. 外来火器,在明末辽沈战场上发挥了举国震惊的威力,也受到具体操作者素质、技术等方面的制约。
- Mundane Trend of Biographical Works in Late Ming Dynasty 论晚明传记文的世俗化倾向
- Ling Meng chu's fiction and trend of thought in late Ming dynasty 凌濛初小说创作与晚明哲学思潮