- Then this paper discusses the principle for warping dam system design by way of the thinking of system theory. 同时结合系统论相关原理分析了淤地坝系的特点,并建立了坝系层次概念模型。
- Based on the viewpoint of system theory, this paper analyses the characteristic of warping dam system, especially in integrity and hierarchy. 摘要本文从系统论的观点出发,对淤地坝系概念进行了初步探讨。
- Based on the viewpoint of system theory,this paper analyses the characteristic of warping dam system,especially in integrity and hierarchy. 本文从系统论的观点出发,对淤地坝系概念进行了初步探讨。
- warping dam system 淤地坝系
- The layout of dam system is base of dam system plan, it is very important for economizing investment. 淤地坝规划的基础是坝系布局,布局合理与否关系最后投资。
- Along with another climax of warping dam construction, the study on natural heightening warping dams has become extremely important and urgent. 摘要随着淤地坝建设高潮的再次掀起,研究淤地坝坝体自然加高显得十分重要和紧迫。
- The occurring odds of dam system destroyed by water can be forecasted according to its characteristic and innovation, especially chain dam collapsing. 它的独特性和创新点,就是科学地预测了坝系水毁事件的发生机率,特别是连锁垮坝的发生机率。
- The software has many advantages of choosing suitable parameters,fast runing,high precision and strong universality,it provides a effective tool for dam system design. 该软件具有选择合理参数、运算速度快、精度高和通用性强的优点,为坝系设计提供了一个有效工具
- The Design for the Optimum Height of Warping Dam 淤地坝最优坝高设计
- Approach to Warping Dam Construction and Operational Management System 淤地坝建设和运行管理体制探讨
- Test on Supervision and Control of Dry Unit Weight of Warping Dam 淤地坝干容重的监理控制试验
- Discussion on Predesign of Dam System in Trench 沟道坝系初步设计问题探讨
- Abstract: With the development of dam system works in gully construction, a certain quantity of "wetland"indications in gully have occurred in the area of sediment yield from base rock of loess plateau. 文摘:随着沟道坝系工程建设的开展,黄土高原基岩产沙区出现了一些沟道湿地迹象。
- A steel girder may warp in a fire. 钢梁遇火会变弯。
- Bitterness gave his outlook a peculiar warp. 怨恨使他的观点带有一种古怪的偏见。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- The dam burst under the weight of water. 那水坝在水的压力下决口了。
- On the basis of investigated data of Wangmaogou watershed check dams system, the benefits of flood trapping and sediment blocking, increasing land productivity, eco-environment, society are analyzed. 根据王茂沟流域淤地坝坝系的调查资料,分析了王茂沟流域坝系的蓄洪拦泥、增产、生态、社会效益。
- The village was swept away when the dam burst. 村庄在水坝决堤时被冲走了。