- "To somehow sneak out with the win is a cool feeling," Woods said. “不管怎样,带着胜利离开是一种很酷的感觉,”伍兹说道。
- Magic effect. Easy operation, Enjoy the cool feeling of victory at fighting! 超炫的效果,简易的操作,享受格斗游戏的快感!
- To the bedroom austral the face with wintry warm cool summer, wall paint is better match, with weak green or orange, creamy all but. 对于冬暖夏凉的朝南居室,墙壁涂料比较好配,用淡绿或橘黄、奶油色均可。
- Indistinctly has a cool feeling, upward is crawling along Mao Xiaoqiback, slowly crawled from the neck the top of the head. 隐隐约约有一股凉意,顺着毛小奇的脊梁往上爬,从脖子后面慢慢爬到了头顶。
- Erythritol is a kind of adding sweetener, with lower heat, cool feeling and food safety. 赤藓糖醇属于填充型甜味剂,口感清凉,热量低,安全性高。
- Because we use cotton viscose as pile, it absorbs moisture with cool feeling and shine looking, it is a good item for summer. 由于我们采用了棉性黏胶纤维,所以具有吸湿,凉爽,滑顺的特性,尤其适合夏季使用。
- The dreary autumn wind is watering the cool feeling to people's body, the tears on many person faces recklessly the flow. 萧瑟的秋风向人们的身体里浇灌着凉意,泪水在很多人脸上肆意地流淌。
- Summer, can decide cool color, emit blue or green light, give a person with cool feeling, make the person is eliminated fretful, the mood is quiet. 夏天,能定出冷色,放出蓝或绿光,给人以凉爽感,使人消除烦燥,心情平静。
- If qualified, may be considered to be the home of Pei Sha made into thick, and heavy cream-based fabric sofa, on the one hand, to save space, but also gives simple, cool feeling. 如果有条件的话可以考虑将家里厚重的皮沙发换成简约型的布艺沙发,一方面节省了空间,也会给人简单、凉快的感觉。
- Congeals the dew to look like the quality of material frivolous grain, seems the cool feeling specially is strong, very suitable thin and allergic flesh use. 凝露就像质地轻薄的啫喱,看上去清凉感就特别强,很适合过薄和过敏性肌肤使用。
- The willows are painted in rich ink tones.Leaves are dotted in a free and dense manner.Together with the grass waving in the breeze, a cool feeling suffuses the painting. 水牛殆以乾笔草草刷就,柳树则墨沈淋漓,叶点细密,配合著碧草随风倾偃,益觉沁凉满纸;
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- A dark, slim tie will instantly give any ensemble a younger, cooler feel. 一个深色“细长“的领带会立刻给人带来更年轻、更酷的整体感觉。
- After using, forms a protective screen on the skin surface.Gives you fresh and cool feeling instead of tightness.Whitens skin, supplements the moisture, and promotes the metabolism. 使用后,在皮肤表面形成保护膜,清爽而不紧绷,净白肌肤,补充水份,促进代谢。
- A transistorize radio takes no time to warm up. 晶体管收音机不需要预热时间。
- After the skin is real-time with unprecedented Relax and cool feeling, to enhance brightness of their skin is shiny and elastic, the protection of membrane integrity, a brand new skin feel. 用后皮肤实时感到前所未有的舒爽和畅快感觉,能提升肌肤明亮度使其充满光泽与弹性,保护皮膜完整性,令肌肤有焕然一新的感觉。
- Also has the cool feeling full to turn on lathe the crystal foundation all black, may let the liquid crystal realize, nimble revolving steadily, the time followed user's onlooking angle. 还有酷感十足的纯黑旋晶底座,可以让液晶电视实现平稳、灵活的旋转,时刻跟随用户的观看角度。
- I have a feeling that we are being followed. 我有种感觉我们正被人跟踪。
- I'm not feeling up to snuff today. 我今天觉得不大舒服。
- It is warm enough for you to play out of doors. 天气很暖和,你可以出去玩。