- Therefore,make sure your hands are warm and dry. 所以,要让你的手温暖干燥。
- Therefore, make sure your hands are warm and dry. 所以,要让你的手温暖干燥。
- The air in the garden was warm and fragrant. 花园里的空气一片温馨。
- The fur of the giant panda is short, rough and very dense, with an oily texture that helps keep it warm and dry. 大熊猫的毛发粗短,非常浓密;毛质呈油性,有助保温、乾爽。
- The vegetation was dominated by steppe or sparse steppe in the early Holocene,corresponding to a warm and dry climate. 全新世早期气候温凉略干,为草原型植被或稀疏草原型植被;
- They insist the bizarre garments keep them warm and dry no matter how bad the winter weather gets. 他们坚持认为,不管冬天的天气有多糟糕,这种稀奇的衣服都能让他们保持暖和、干爽。
- Warm and dry clothes are also necessary to keep you comfortable during the walk. 在行进中要保持舒适,干燥和温暖的衣服也是必要的。
- Triassic typical signs of the red sandstone that was relatively warm and dry climate, there is no in sight. 标志三叠纪的典型的红色沙岩说明当时的气候比较温暖干燥,没有任何冰川的迹象。
- It's cold and dull out, and I advise you to stay warm and dry by the fire, as I do," said Meg with a shiver. 外面又冷又不好玩,我建议你最好呆在家里,围着火炉取暖,就像我这样”,玫一边说,一边忍不住打了个冷战。
- Warmer and drier conditions in many places will reduce yields. 如果气温升高,天气干燥,许多地方的产量就会降低。
- Ripe fruit, warm and smooth on palate, slightly tobacco and dry leaves, well balanced, soft tannins, finished dry. 果味成熟,温暖及入口圆润。轻微烟草及干叶味,酒体平衡、单宁柔和及收结干爽。
- Despite some rain on Wednesday, the weather report for this weekend's Australian grand prix weekend looks warm and dry. 尽管出现了一些降雨,周三,天气报告,本周末的澳大利亚大奖赛周末期待温暖,干燥的.
- Sunny, warm and dry days are followed by cool sea breezes and fog which roll into the valleys each evening as a na-tural air conditioning system. 夏天,当凉爽的海洋气候和温暖的内陆空气接触时,就产生了一连串助长各种酿酒葡萄繁殖的微气候。
- Trot up and down the towing-path as hard as you can, till you're warm and dry again, while I dive for the luncheon-basket. 然后,他在后面游泳,将那个可怜巴巴的动物推到岸边,拽出水来,安顿在岸上,成了湿漉漉、瘫瘫、兮兮的一堆。
- The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly. 用餐时洋溢著热情友好的气氛。
- These blankets are warm and washable. 这些毯子既暖和又耐洗。
- Through comprehensive analysis of the climate in the latePleistocene Epoch was found to be cold and humid during the glacial stagesand warm and dry in the interglacial stages. 即表现为冰期冷湿与间冰期暖干的气候型。从此取代了早、中更新世的与东部季风区相似的冷干与暖湿相结合的气候型。
- Shuangyashan City, located in high latitudes, is a cold temperate continental monsoon climate, the long winter, cold and dry in the summer short, warm and wet. 双鸭山市地处中高纬度,属寒温带大陆性季风气候,冬季长、寒冷而干燥,夏季短、温热而多雨。
- He managed to swallow a little soup and dry toast. 他设法吞下一点汤和不涂奶油的土司。
- The party proceeded in a warm and cordial atmosphere. 晚会在热烈诚挚的气氛中进行。