- The mayor is confident the war against crime will be won. 市长确信反犯罪活动之战争必定胜利。
- The king decided to go to war against his enemies. 国王决定对敌人开战。
- The government has pledged itself to wage a war against poverty and disease. 政府发誓要进行一场消灭贫穷和疾病的斗争。
- For many years they warred against Nazi Germany. 他们同纳粹德国作战长达几年。
- The tribe confederate in the war against intruder. 在战争期间,各部队联合起来对抗入侵者。
- The war against T.B. is by no means over. 反对T.;B
- Doctors are waging war against cancer. 医师们正为灭癌而作战。
- Russia thereupon declared war against Turkey. 俄国于是向土耳其宣战。
- Germany waged a war against Poland. 德国对波兰开战。
- We declared war against the old world. 我们向旧世界宣战。
- The king decide to go to war against his enemy. 国王决定对敌人开战。
- He waged a long war against poverty. 他对贫穷作长期的挑战。
- We seem to be winning the war against crime. 我们在扑灭罪行方面似乎已做出成绩。
- They are waging a war against crime. 他们正在展开一场反对犯罪的斗争。
- IS iT A waR Against AmeriCa Or IsLaM! 这是一场反对美国还是伊斯兰的战争?
- If this be love, to war against my soul. 如果这就是爱,我的灵魂无法安宁。
- Thanks for Prohibition and the war against drugs. 感谢禁酒令和与毒品之战。
- Germany and Italy declared war against the U.S. 德国和意大利对美国宣战。
- Doctors wage war against disease. 医生与疾病作斗争。
- We declared war against the old world . 我们向旧世界宣战。