- The police found the wandering boy in a deserted building. 警察在一栋废弃的楼里找到了这个流浪的男孩。
- She went for a little wander round the park. 她到公园去遛达遛达。
- I've spent two years wandering the world. 我用了两年时间周游世界。
- The child was found wandering the streets alone. 人们看见那个孩子独自在街上瞎转。
- A wandering brook meanders around the park. 一条蜿蜒的小溪围绕着公园缓缓流过。
- I think I have an abscess on my gums. This could be serious. 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮,这可能是严重的。
- Please don't wander off the point. 请不要离题。
- The act or an instance of wandering; a stroll. 闲逛徘徊的行为或事例; 闲逛
- wandering abscess [医] 游走性脓肿
- Professional mariachis in the old time were wandering minstrels. 古代墨西哥职业性的巡乐队队员都是旅行乐师。
- An abscess caused by injecting an illegal drug, usually heroin. 脓肿由于非法注射毒品,通常是海洛因而引起的脓肿
- A bad tooth may cause an abscess on the gums. 一颗病牙可使牙床脓肿。
- Don't let your mind wander from the main point as issue. 不要让你的思路离开争论的主题。
- Don't wander about the room like that. Get something to do. 不要那样在房间里乱走,找点事情做。
- He realized his audience's attention was beginning to wander. 他意识到听众精神已不太集中了。
- I think I have an abscess on my gums. 我想我的牙床上有个脓疮。
- Her unconscious looks wander to her husband with infantile dependency. 带著像婴儿般的依赖她不由自主地把目光投向了她的丈夫。
- The tip of an abscess, a boil, or a pimple, in which pus forms. 脓头中间有脓液的脓疮、疖或丘疹的顶端
- The animals are allowed to wander at will in the park. 这些动物可以在公园里随意走动。
- Her mind seemed to be wandering and she didn't recognize us. 她好像精神恍惚,没认出我们来。