- walruses and extinct forms. 海象及其它灭绝种类。
- horseshoe crabs and extinct forms. 王蝎和一些灭绝类型。
- constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms. 组成银杏属;包括银杏属和其它灭绝的种类。
- constituting the order Ginkgoales; includes the genus Ginkgo and extinct forms 组成银杏属;包括银杏属和其它灭绝的种类
- any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms. 爬行纲的冷血的脊椎动物,,包括乌龟、蛇、晰蜴、鳄鱼和已灭绝的形式。
- any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms 爬行纲的冷血的脊椎动物,,包括乌龟、蛇、晰蜴、鳄鱼和已灭绝的形式
- 7.any cold-blooded vertebrate of the class Reptilia including tortoises turtles snakes lizards alligators crocodiles and extinct forms. 爬行纲的冷血的脊椎动物,,包括乌龟、蛇、晰蜴、鳄鱼和已灭绝的形式。
- chimaeras and extinct forms. 银鲛及其它相关灭绝类型。
- pikas and extinct forms. 鼠兔及其灭绝的种类。
- That could cause problems for Pacific walruses and other sea animals, say researchers at the University of Alaska. 阿拉斯加大学的研究人员说,这可能会影响到太平洋海象和其他海洋动物。
- An arthropod of the order Xiphosura, which includes the horseshoe crab and many extinct forms. 剑尾目动物剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物
- An arthropod of the order Xiphosura, which includes the horseshoe craband many extinct forms. 剑尾目动物剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物。
- Do you think that dinosaurs represent failure and extinction? 你是否认为恐象徵失败与灭绝呢?
- An arthropod of the order Xiphosura,which includes the horseshoe crab and many extinct forms. 剑尾目动物剑尾目中的一种节肢动物,包括鲎及许多已灭绝的节肢动物
- Gaining is avarice;not gaining is deserting and extinction. 拿就是贪,不拿就是舍离灭绝。
- Any of various equine mammals, such as the wild Asian species E. przewalskii or certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse. 马科动物马科的动物,例如野生亚洲种蒙古野马或者是某些与现代马有祖先关系的已灭绝的马种
- Any of various equine mammals,such as the wild Asian species E.przewalskii or certain extinct forms related ancestrally to the modern horse. 马科动物马科的动物,例如野生亚洲种蒙古野马或者是某些与现代马有祖先关系的已灭绝的马种
- Ice Cloud Optical Thickness and Extinction Estimates from Radar Measurements. 从雷达观测得到的冰云光学厚度和消光估计。
- pupil: three walruses and three polar bears。 学生:三只海象和三只北极熊。
- The language of the Picts, of uncertain affiliation, known chiefly from place names and extinct by the tenth century. 皮克特语皮克特人的语言,从属关系不确定,主要因一些地名而为人所知,10世纪时消失