- Jun inverted into the rock, stoning overlap, gaps wall cracks of vertical and horizontal, Yin Sensen Ran. 入内峻岩倒挂,乱石交叠,壁隙裂缝,纵横密布,阴森森然。
- Developers have to repair several people, but simply to the wall cracks Moping on the wall surfaces are not so substantial repair. 开发商也曾派人来修过几次,但只是简单地将墙上的裂缝抹平,对开裂的墙体并未做实质性的修理。
- The results show that the hydration heat model of concrete is acceptable, and the thermal stress may make concrete wall crack at early age. 结果表明:引入Arrhenius公式的混凝土水化放热模型可以用于计算混凝土结构早龄期时的温度场;早龄期时温度应力可以引起混凝土长墙的开裂.
- The effect on seepage is small when the opening of cutoff wall crack is less than 0.3cm,themaximum relative water head at the bottom of lower core wall is only 2.02%. 防渗墙出现裂缝开度小于0.;3cm时;对渗流场的影响不大;防渗墙下游心墙底部最大相对水头值仅为2
- Seek methods for wall crack controlling, propose the correlation preventions and the control measures, have the extremely important theory value and the practice significance. 寻求控制墙体裂缝的方法,提出相关预防和控制措施,具有十分重要的理论价值和实践意义。
- According to practical projects,authors state analysis methods and generation reasons of basement concrete wall cracks,and prevention measures and practical effects,and provide specific material and construction requirements to prevent wall cracks. 通过工程实例 ,阐述了地下室混凝土墙体裂缝产生的原因 ,以及解决裂缝的措施和实际效果。 对防止墙体裂缝出现提出了具体的材料和施工要求。
- This text analyses the causes and preventive measures on the common faults in concrete construction as concrete reinforcing bar displacement, wall rotten root and pump sending concrete wall crack. 本文主要阐述混凝土施工中钢筋位移、墙体烂根和泵送混凝土墙体裂缝等质量通病的原因分析和预防措施。
- The top wall crack phenomenon in brick and concrete structure is analy zed in brief, especially about the stress when the crack is split, and the reaso n of crack producing is put forward. 对砖混结构顶层墙体裂缝现象作了简要分析 ,特别分析了裂缝开裂时的受力状况 ,提出了裂缝产生的原因。
- The cracks in the wall show up in the sunlight. 在太阳光照射下,墙上的裂纹就显露出来。
- I bought a set of commercial housing in the walls cracks found in great fear of housing security, housing security experts do, that costs are high, inform costs? 问:我买了一套商品房,在入住时发现承重墙裂缝很大,担心房屋的安全问题,想做房屋安全鉴定,听说费用很高,能否告知费用是多少?
- There are many cracks in the old wall. 墙上有许多裂缝。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The paper analyzes the cross wall crackings caused by the failure of the roof insulating materials. 为此,就屋面保温材料失效造成横墙开裂进行了分析。
- Causes and control of common wall cracks 常见的墙体裂缝原因及预防
- Causes and treatments of new kind wall cracks 新型墙体裂缝成因与防治
- Small wall cracks can be filled with plaster 小的墙缝可以用灰泥来填补。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- The mass of faces pressed closer. Walling him in. 许许多面孔越来越逼近,把他团团围住。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- They wormed their way out through the crack in the wall. 他们好不容易才从墙上的裂缝处爬了出来。