- A high wall round the estate protected their privacy. 庄园周围有一堵高墙,使他们不受外界打扰。
- The house was walled round with marbles. 这所房子周围用大理石环绕。
- Farmhouse, wall round it, blurred cattle cropping. 一座农舍,有围墙,吃草的牛群照得模糊不清。
- A cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it. 在显微镜下,细胞看上去如一滴透明的胶状物体,周围有一层很薄的壁。
- They built a wall round the shore of the lake to retain the water. 他们沿着湖边筑起一道堤来挡水。
- Some ancient towns have walls round them. 有些古老的城市周围有城墙。
- The waters undermined the great wall round the Imperial Hunting Park. 洪水侵蚀了禁园的墙基。
- The old town on the hill was walled round. 山上那座古老城镇的周围有城墙。
- The castle was walled round with stones. 这座城堡用石墙围着。
- The house was walled round with marbles . 这所房子周围用大理石环绕。
- Under a microscope,a cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it. 在显微镜下,细胞看上去像一滴透明的胶状物,周围有一个很薄的壁。
- Under a microscope, a cell looks like a bit of clear jelly with a thin wall round it. 在显微镜下,细胞看上去像一滴透明的胶状物,周围有一个很薄的壁。
- "I will allow no one to play in it but myself. "So he built a high wall round it and put up a notice: Keep out. “我绝不允许任何人在其中发挥,但我自己。”因此,他建立了一个周围有高墙,并且提出了一个通知:应尽量避免。
- To that above the door, even unto the inner house, and without, and by all the wall round about within and without, by measure. 直到门以上,就是到内殿和外殿内外四围墙壁,都按尺寸用木板遮蔽。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- The old town on the hill had a wall right round it. 小山上的古城四周有城墙。
- People used to build strong walls round their towns as a defense against enemies. 人们从前在城镇四周筑坚固城墙以防御敌人。
- People used to build strong walls round their towns as a defence against enemies. 人们从前在城镇四周筑坚固城墙以防御敌人。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- Come and drink at my spring, green walls round it, shiny black stones inside it, and water in it is sweet, what am I? 请来我的泉边喝口水,绿墙围外面,黑色石子亮在心,泉水香又甜。我是谁?