- The third wall insulation rubber powder was used polystyrene particles. 第三种外墙保温方法是用胶粉聚苯颗粒。
- Insulate your home. Cavity wall insulation can cut heat loss through the wall by up to 60 percent. 房屋隔热可以利用空心墙来减少热能损耗,降幅高达60%25。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- Vacuum ball perlite glassy beads are suitable for all kinds of internal and external wall insulation and household wall, floor and access. 真空球珍珠岩玻化微珠适合于各种墙体内外保温及分户隔墙,楼层,通道。
- External wall insulation system with three approaches: extruded polystyrene board, commonly known as XPS boards, or expansion of polystyrene board, commonly known as EPS plate. 外墙保温体系有三种做法:用挤塑聚苯板,俗称XPS板,或者膨胀聚苯板,俗称EPS板。
- Improving the fireproofing property of external wall insulation system cannot only relay on flame-spread retardancy,but the whole safe structure of the building system. 在目前条件下,提高建筑外墙保温体系防火安全性,应从体系防火构造措施入手,而非一味追求保温材料的高阻燃性。
- In this paper, we introduce the advantage and development in China for exterior wall insulation, point the main problems at present and look forward to the future prospects. 本文介绍了外墙外保温的优越性及其在中国的发展概况,指出了当前存在的几个主要问题,并分析了发展前景。
- The company is a company specializing in high-end construction management interior wall paint (KUCK) and wall insulation materials (HOTOW) high-tech enterprises. 固克科技发展有限公司是一家专业经营高档建筑墙漆(KUCK固克)和墙体保温材料(HOTOW红盾)的高新技术企业。
- The re-dispersible emulsion powder is a key component for playing the role of gelation in EPS thermal insulation mortar of external wall insulation system. 可再分散乳胶粉是EPS颗粒保温砂浆外墙外保温体系中起胶凝作用的主要组分。
- Haitong in a plastic injection plant is mainly of technology-based enterprises, dedicated to the external wall insulation system for anchoring the production and sales. 海通塑料厂是一家以注塑为主的技术型企业,专门致力于外墙保温系统专用锚固产品生产和销售。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。
- The medieval town was fortified with a high wall and a deep moat. 这座中世纪的城市周围建有城墙和护城河。
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- I can't get this screw to come out of the wall. 我无法把这颗螺丝钉从墙上取出。
- The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon. 小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- There is an ornament made of shells on the wall. 墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。
- They were pinioned against the wall by the lorry. 那辆卡车把他们挤到墙根动弹不得。
- A high wall fetched in an ancient small town. 一道高高的城墙围绕着一座小小的古城。