- wall covering material 墙面覆盖材料
- A covering material made of glass fibers in resins. 玻璃光纤树脂制成的覆盖材料。
- A partition surfaced in foil wall covering stands in lieu of a headboard. 一面金属箔片饰面的隔墙替代了床头板原先的位置。
- Pigskin Tough and durable book covering material made from the hide of a pig. 用猪的皮製成的结实和耐久的书皮材料。
- The results of the study showed that it was advisabled that the red mud insteaded clunch to be covering material. 试验结果表明:处理后的赤泥和脱附液赤泥在垃圾填埋场做覆盖层代替粘土是可行的。
- Home Textile: sheet, bed-cover, sofa cover, curtain, Tablecloth, napkin, wall covering fabric and so on. 家用纺织品:床单、床罩、沙发罩、窗帘、台布、桌布、餐巾、贴墙布等装饰用布;
- Anti weed nonwoven is a kind of covering material applied in agriculture with anti weed and heat preservation function. 含除草剂非织造布兼有防草和保温作用,是一种用于农业生产的浮面覆盖材料。
- The electric azure glint spend long, dilapidated years renovating beginning to be pretty aluminum alloy framework and glass curtain wall covering. 久违的电焊花簇簇闪耀,残破多年的墙体开始被漂亮的铝合金框架和幕墙玻璃覆盖。
- It is necessary and feasible to research and develop antiradar camouflage covering material for ground targets with simple techniques and low cost. 以简单的工艺、较低的成本研制和发展地面目标反雷达伪装覆盖材料是必要与可行的。
- The Romans were the first to use slabs of marble as wall coverings. 罗马人则首先使用大理石板作为墙面材料。
- Conclusion The embryo pigskin may be an ideal covering material for deep burn applied in the clinical research because of its lower antigenicity. 结论:胚胎猪皮抗原性小,可作为一种新的创面覆盖物应用于临床研究。
- The preparation method of antiflaming base paper for wall covering was introduced and antiflaming system taking sepiolite as main inorganic additive was studied. 介绍壁纸阻燃基纸的制备方法,对以海泡石为主要无机添加剂的阻燃体系进行了研究。
- Abstract: It is necessary and feasible to research and develop antiradar camouflage covering material for ground targets with simple techniques and low cost. 摘要: 利用简单的技术和低造价研制出针对地面目标的反雷达伪装材料非常必要,也是可行的。
- Nor were the walls covered with honeysuckles. 墙上也没攀挂着忍冬藤。
- A planar film of refractive index nf is sandwiched between a substrate and a cover material. 折射率为nf的平面薄膜夹在折射率较低的衬底和覆盖层之间。
- Conclusion:Clay is a kind of good quality cover material of landfill and matured refuse cannot take place... 结论:粘土是性能良好的填埋场覆盖物,陈垃圾不能取代粘土作为填埋场的覆盖材料。
- The mantle, which secretes the shell, is the dorsal body wall covering the visceral mass.The mantle cavity is lateral and in most bivalves, the gills have a respiratory and digestive function. 双壳贝的外壳是由外套膜分泌而来;套膜包覆著内脏;在多数双壳贝中;外套腔多位于两侧;鳃具有呼吸和消化的功能.
- Fibreglass geogrid, fibreglass mat and Glasstextile wall covering have been occupying the largest share in domestic markets for years, and playing very important role in the markets. 玻璃纤维土工格栅、玻纤薄毡、石英壁布三大类产品已连续多年雄踞国内市场份额第一,发挥着举足轻重的作用。
- Presently, more and more rights were being created to cover material that was in the public domain, or that should have fallen in the public domain. 目前,越来越多的权利被创设出来以适用于已属于公有领域或应该属于公有领域的材料。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。