- Add those measurements to your wall chart and watch the progress. 放入这些测量你的挂图和观看的进度。
- Will you fetch the wall charts of Lesson 65? 请去把65课的挂图拿来好吗?
- The friend reportedly added that Middleton and William keep a wall chart with a tally of how many times newspapers predict they will get married. 据米德尔顿的这位朋友透露,米德尔顿和威廉王子还制作了一幅统计媒体预测他俩婚期总次数的挂图。
- Make a wall chart, poster, display or mobile looking at trees, tree features such as leaves, flowers or seeds, different types of trees, or the life cycle of a tree. 利用挂图,海报,展览等多种多样的形式研究树木及其特性,如叶、花、种子,树的不同种类,或树木的生命循环过程。
- Posters Quality ISO ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 质量/品质/ISO宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:**、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters TPM ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. TPM宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters OHSAS 18000 ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. OHSAS 18000宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters 6S on-site management ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 6S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters 8S on-site management ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 8S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters Well-known celebrity ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 名人名言宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters 7S on-site management ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 7S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters 5S on-site management ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 5S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters TS 16949 ; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. TS 16949宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- Posters corporate culture; picture; slogan; posters; put up a wall chart suitable place: the office, workshop, conference room, drawing room, training room, passage, corridors, and other places. 企业文化宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图适合张贴场所:办公室、车间、会议室、会客厅、培训教室、过道、走廊等场所。
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- For the business professional design personalized 7S on-site management posters; picture; slogan; posters; wall charts. 为企业专业设计制作个性化的7S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图。
- For the business professional design personalized 5S on-site management posters; picture; slogan; posters; wall charts. 为企业专业设计制作个性化的5S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图。
- For the business professional design personalized corporate culture posters; picture; slogan; posters; wall charts. 为企业专业设计制作个性化的企业文化宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图.
- For the business professional design personalized 8S on-site management posters; picture; slogan; posters; wall charts. 为企业专业设计制作个性化的8S现场管理宣传画;图片;标语;海报;挂图。
- The picture on the wall is crooked. 挂在墙壁上的画是歪的。