- wall against leakage 防渗墙体
- Protects the wall against soiling and makes cleaning easy. 防止弄脏墙壁且易于清洗。
- But I had constructed a mental wall against this unsettledness. 但是对这种不固定居住的生活我已有足够的心理准备。
- When a pump is used to provide a vacuum,we consider it even more important to guard against leakage. 当泵被用来抽取真空时,我们认为尤为重要的是防止漏气。
- Its warm lucence promised a poultice against illness and a wall against insult. 温暖的珠光许给了他一剂抵抗疾病的糊药和一堵抵御侮辱的墙。
- When a pump is used to provide a vacuum, we consider it even more important to guard against leakage. 当泵被用来抽取真空时,我们认为尤为重要的是防止漏气。
- Pacific Valves' unique injector has a double ball check protection against leakage and a positive shut-off internal valve. 美国太平洋阀门独特的注入器具有双球止回保护,防止泄露,并保护阀门内部活动部件。
- It's warm luster promised a poultice against illness and a wall against insult. It closed a door on hunger. 它和煦的光辉使人似乎觉得能药到病除,能免受侮辱,能防止饥饿。
- These, in turn, generate a structure called the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves against leakage of the electrical signals that carry their messages around. 这些,反过来,产生一种叫做髓鞘的组织,它能隔离神经细胞防止电信号周围携带的信息泄漏。
- It's warm lucence promised a poultice against illness and a wall against insult. It closed a door on hunger. 它和煦的光辉使人似乎觉得能药到病除,能免受侮辱,能防止饥饿。
- Suddenly in the evening, at about nine, Edmond heard a sound in the wall against which he was lying. 约九点左右,爱德蒙突然听到他所躺卧的那面墙上,隐隐约约地发出一种声响。
- The government decided to raise tariff walls against foreign goods. 政府决定提高关税壁垒以抵制外国货。
- Later, it sent in more Han people as a protective wall against contagion from the crumbling Soviet Union. 接着它让更多的汉族人到西部,抑制苏联解体的影响。
- A front wall against the Gulf could condemn to death the wetlands behind it, by changing the tidal mixing patterns of saltwater and freshwater. 建一道面向墨西哥湾的堤防,等于对墙内的湿地宣判死刑,因为它会改变海水与淡水混合的潮间带。
- MIN Gui-rong,XIAO Ming-xin.Reliability design of spacecraft module wall against meteoroid perforation[J].Chinese Space Science and Technology,1986(6):45-48. [1]闵桂荣;肖名鑫.;防止微流星击穿航天器舱壁的可靠性设计[J]
- make tight; secure against leakage. 紧紧地处理;以求安全防止泄漏。
- Considering the friction of borehole wall against water moving with high speed,a physical model of water stemming movement in water blasting is set up in this paper. 本文计及水在高速运动时与壁面的摩擦阻力,建立了水封爆破水塞运动的物理模型。
- protective device against leakage of electricity 漏电保护装置
- The shutters thumped the wall in the wind. 在风中百叶窗砰砰地碰在墙上。
- automatic shutter against leakage radiation 防漏射线自动遮光器