- The paralysis affect his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty. 他右腿瘫痪步履维艰。
- They walked with difficulty in the snow. 他们在雪地里步履维艰地走着。
- The paralysis affects his right leg and he can only walk with difficulty. 他右腿瘫痪步履维艰.
- Not having you the world is walk with difficulty, only you make warm the morning light to me. 没有你世界寸步难行,只有你给我温暖晨曦!
- Wide, gently sloping ramps provided easy passage for those who walked with difficulty, or not at all. 一条条宽阔的略微倾斜的小坡,替那些走路有困难的人甚至根本不能走路的人预备了方便的通道。
- Meanwhile, some reforms of area walk with difficulty, has even presented "plateau" phenomenon. 与此同时,一些地区的改革步履艰难,甚至出现了“高原”现象。
- If research institute shows anthropology, the mankind has glorious the past and brighter future, but walk with difficulty at all times. 摘要如人类学研究所示,人类有着光荣的过去和更为美好的未来,然而从来都步履艰难。
- Results 1 patient for childhood onset and 2 patients for adolescent onset with DRD, first symptom showed leg dystonia and toe walking with difficulty, whereas 3 patients of adult onset showed tremor and rigidity. 结果 1例儿童期、2例少年期起病者 ,首发症状均为下肢肌张力异常、足跟着地困难 ;
- I obtained this record for you with difficulty. 我好不容易为你弄到了这张唱片。
- Of arise suddenly " blame market economy " concept, resemble a pair of chains, let export an enterprise to be in of walk with difficulty turn over dumping road to go up deep-set and sloughy. 突如其来的“非市场经济”概念,像一副枷锁,让出口企业在步履维艰的反倾销道路上深陷泥沼。
- Be in Japan, because become ground netizen to prefer the portal website such as Yahoo, is not dinkum search engine, gu Ge wants to increase market share also is walk with difficulty. 在日本,由于当地网民更喜欢雅虎等门户网站而不是纯粹的搜索引擎,谷歌想提高市场份额也是步履维艰。
- Do you feel like have a walk with me? 跟我一道去散步怎么样?
- Doors were opening and faces peering out, as Dad walked with difficulty close behind. 门打开了,有些脸孔探出来,爸爸正紧随在后面艰难地走着。
- Pino walks with difficulty and can’t talk, but it has big dreams.To break ground for future generations of humanoid4 robots. 尽管小匹诺现在还行走不便而且不会说话,但它有着远大报负,那就是为未来的类人型机器人奠定基础。
- He walked with a stride full of purpose. 他迈着坚定的步伐向前走。
- I'm so tired I can hardly (ie only with difficulty) stay awake. 我疲倦得简直昏昏欲睡。
- The mountain track is negotiable, but only with difficulty. 山上的小路可以通行,只是难走。
- The happy boy walked with jaunty steps. 这个快乐的孩子以轻快活泼的步子走着。
- It was with difficulty that I talked him out of dropping the experiment. 我好不容易才劝得他打消了中断试验的想法。
- He walks with difficulty. 他步履艰难。