- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。
- Spring wakes all nature. 春天使万物复苏。
- I guess I drank much coffee;I was wide wake all night. 我猜我可能是喝了太多咖啡,一整晚都很清醒.
- For greed, all nature is too little. 贪者无厌。
- All nature smiled in the sunlight. 大自然的一切在阳光下显得明媚开朗。
- All nature is art, but unknow to thee. 整个自然都是艺术,不过你不领悟。
- All nature loafs, while man alone works for a living. 世间的万物都在悠闲中过日子,只有人类为生活而工作着。
- All nature loafs,while man alone works for a living. 世间的万物都在悠闲中过日子,只有人类为生活而工作着。
- Passively reduces the cost in power points of all nature spells. 减少自然符咒的施法时间。
- I seemed to see a rending and upheaving of all nature. 我似乎看到整个天地都在碎裂,在动摇。
- To now I return the tendency that notes so that I deplane after 40 hours, they had bent over twice to be asleep on computer, I also lay to just wake all day long on the bed. 到现在我还记得自己40个小时后下机的样子,他们两个已经趴在电脑上睡着了,我也在床上躺了一整天才醒过来。
- We are all natural lifelong learners. 我们所有人都是天生的终生学习者。
- Seal and all nature kingdoms experience not death upon an individuated basis. 海豹与一切自然王国均并不以个体体验死亡。
- The guards were wakeful all night in case of attack. 卫兵们通宵都警惕地戒备着,以防遭到袭击。
- "All nature is meant to make us think of paradise," Thomas Merton observed. “大自然的万色千般皆为使我们念想出其中的福地洞天。”
- Many Americans are proponents of the all natural look. 许多美国人都主张天生的相貌。
- How can they be so absolutely dead to all natural feelings? 他们怎么能对一切天赋的感情这么毫无反应呢?
- Actually, those calamities are all natural phenomena. 其实那些灾祸都是自然现象。
- Enhance and control curls on all naturally, curly or permed hair. 适用于自然捲或烫后发质,有纾缓头皮、创造生动、深刻波纹效果。
- Secondly, mineral makeup is all natural and hypo-allergenic. 其次,矿物化妆品是纯天然和无刺激性的。