- vulnerable social group 弱势群体
- A social group having a common affiliation to such an object. 有共同图腾的民族与这样一种物体共同紧密联系在一起的社会群体
- The social group declared for equality between men and women. 这个社会团体声明赞成男女平等。
- This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal (to the way the country is run). 这个一度十分重要的社会集团(对治理该国的影响)越来越无足轻重了。
- One who has withdrawn from a given social group or environment. 退出者退出某一社会团体环境的人
- A branch, descendant, or member of a family or social group. 旁支家族或社会团体的支系、后裔或成员
- A branch,descendant,or member of a family or social group. 家族或社会团体的支系、后裔或成员。
- The disabled form a special social group in straitened circumstances. 残疾人是一个特殊而困难的社会群体。
- Waifs are one of the vulnerable social groups.At present the succor brought to waifs all around only means the temporary supply of board and lodging and escort for them to go back to their home town. 摘要流浪儿童是一个特殊的社会弱势群体,目前各地流浪儿童的救助主要是临时性的食宿供给和返乡护送。
- There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group. 任何社会团体都容易出现关系紧张和性格冲突。
- The accepted traditional customs and usages of a particular social group. 惯例为特定社会集团或群体所接受的传统风俗和习惯
- This once important social group is becoming more and more marginal. 这个一度十分重要的社会集团越来越无足轻重了。
- The English novel usually deals with static social groups. 英国小说通常描写固定的社会集团。
- The advertiser is not interested in a particular social group or in the welfare of any member of a group. 广告者不是对某一特定社会群体感兴趣,也不是关心某一群体任何成员的福利。
- Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups. 这些信念在某些社会群体中仍很盛行。
- The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 设计得要雅俗共赏,老幼皆宜。
- Indoor sows certainly can be housed in social groups. 在室内养猪,我们可以以群养的方式来饲养。
- Three is that social groups can antagonizes the government. 三是社会团体与政府的博弈;
- Participation in social groups in the community is independent of religious affiliation, and one's circle of friends will include people of a variety of denominations. 社会上的社交团体是不管哪个教派的人都可以参加的,而一个人的社交范围包括各种教派的人。
- Poor dietary habits are more likely among children in lower social groups. 不健康的饮食习惯更可能出现在低层社会群体的孩子中。