- I wonder how he got voted out of office. 我不知道他是怎样被投票罢免的。
- The government was voted out of office within a year. 一年内政府在选举中被击败。
- It is unusual for members of Congress to be voted out of office. 国会议员被投票表决撤职是很不寻常的。
- The well-meaning but politically clumsy Chancellor Valorum was voted out of office. 善良但却在政治上很幼稚的大臣。
- From Britain to Italy, political leaders of all stripes have been discredited or voted out of office. 从英国到意大利,各国的政治领导者不是失信于民便是跌落马下。
- Mr Stille's book is ill-timed: Mr Berlusconi has just been voted out of office and, at 69, his chances of returning are slim. 贝鲁斯科尼承认,他之所以能掌权(并且从更大程度上说他能在下野6年后于2001年再次掌权),完全拜某些意大利社会特色所赐。
- By the end of the session, Valorum was voted out of office, with no greater crime on his head than being bound by procedure and subjected to baseless accusations. 会议的结果,佛伦被投票罢免,伴随著不比犯罪伟大多少的被程序束缚和服从无基础的控诉。
- The “grand coalition” of Germany's two biggest parties, the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), has been voted out of office. 德国两个最大的政党基督教民主联盟和左倾社会民主党的“大联合”被选下了台。
- In a democracy with a free press, the pressure that forces such changes often comes from decision-makers' fear of being ravaged in the media and/or voted out of office. 一开始他们对自己不自信,这值得理解,甚至不无可爱,但现在他们则遵循着“政治正确”,或是“公司规则”。
- He was voted out of office. 经投票他被免去了职务。
- Our party has been out of office for three years. 我们的政党在野已经三年了。
- The manager can be reached at home out of office hour. 工作时间外,可以打电话到经理家中。
- She was voted out of office/off the board. 经投票免去她的职务[董事职务
- If you don't like the way the council are going about things, you can always vote them out of office. 如果你们不喜欢该委员会处理事情的方式,你们随时可以票罢免他们。
- Jim was voted out of the council. 吉姆被选出议会。
- John himself was forced out of office on June 29th. 约翰本人于6月29日被开除公职。
- The convicted judge was thrown out of office. 宣告有罪的法官被迫离职。
- He has been out of office for two years. 他下台两年了。
- The Liberals have been out of office for a long time now. 自由党已经好久没有执政了。
- In the Show time as list, click Free or Out of Office. 在“时间显示为”列表中,单击“闲”或“外出”。