- The voodoo doll was gone as well. 那个伏都人偶也不见了。
- I looked to the ground instantly, and I saw my voodoo doll. 我马上向地上看去,看到了我的伏都人偶。
- If you could use a voodoo doll to hurt anyone you chose, would you? 22如果你可以用伏都教盅术任意伤害一个人,你会这样做吗?
- The Slender Loris has been hunted for centuries in Sri Lanka for its purported qualities as an aphrodisiac, asthma cure and as a kind of living voodoo doll. 有传言说这种生活在斯里兰卡的细长懒猴具有壮阳及治疗哮喘的作用,因此数百年来它们一直难逃被人们猎杀的厄运。
- I have visions of Mark Cuban laughing diabolically throughout the game while stabbing a Don Nelson voodoo doll. 我可以看到库班在扎老尼尔森的小人的同时,整场比赛都笑得跟恶魔似的。
- So far, Sarkozy's actions in court have had the apparently unintended consequence of turning the voodoo doll into something of a cult item. 现在,萨科奇的官司似乎有了意想不到的结果,那就是将巫毒娃娃划归为邪教物品。
- PARIS: Amid deepening economic gloom, the tale of the voodoo doll of Nicolas Sarkozy has provided some needed light relief for the French. 在日益加深的经济衰退中,萨科奇巫毒娃娃的故事终于可以让法国人暂时的放松一下了。
- One day, I was about five or so, and I saw this pink (my favorite color at the time) voodoo doll on one of the stands in the actual tourist attraction part. 我五岁左右的一天,在当时吸引观光客部分的货架上,看到了这个粉色的(当时我最喜欢的颜色)伏都人偶。
- Sasha Pavlovic, Right Ankle: We're pretty sure there's no truth to the rumor that fellow Cavaliers shooting guard Wally Szczerbiak has a Sasha voodoo doll with a pin jabbed in its right ankle. 沙沙-帕夫洛维奇,右脚踝:我们非常确定,对于克利夫兰骑士的得分后卫泽比亚克是故意伤了帕夫洛维奇的右脚踝的这样的流言永远都不会有真相的。
- When using Amazing Pocket Voodoo (or any other kind of revenge spell), always adhere to the cosmic laws of Karma and be sure that the voodoo doll is hurt only as much as you were, NOT MORE! 当使用神奇口袋巫毒(或任何其他形式的报复拼写) ,始终坚持宇宙法律噶玛和肯定的是,巫毒娃娃不仅是伤害了你,而不是更多的!
- We sold hand made voodoo dolls in Malaysia, contact me if you are interested! 我们售卖多款的巫毒娃娃,全人手制作,手工精细。
- Good voodoo doll was so popular in Korea 韩国流行好心“巫毒”娃娃
- Though the French Market is a big tourist attraction, thanks to the voodoo dolls, NO T-shirts, etc. 我们在法国人居住区内的多芬街住的时间最长。
- The doll pivots at the waist and neck. 那洋娃娃的腰和颈可以转动。
- The child cuddled her doll (to her chest). 那孩子(怀里)抱著玩具娃娃。
- The practice and doctrines of voodoo. 伏都教义,巫术信仰伏都教的施行和教义
- The little girl is playing with a doll. 小女孩正在玩洋娃娃。
- The little girl was bewailing the loss of her doll. 小女孩在为丢失洋娃娃伤心地哭泣。
- Now let's go back to your first novel, rag doll. 现在我们转回来谈谈你的第一部小说——玩具娃娃。
- How do they all cram into that doll's house? 那小小的房子怎麽挤得下他们大家呢?