- voluntaristic pantheism 意志主义的泛神论
- His religious philosophy tends towards pantheism. 他的宗教思想倾向于泛神论。
- I understand the meaning of pantheism . 我悟出了泛神论的真正意义。
- It is thus opposed to all forms of [[pantheism]]. 与所有[[泛神论]]相对立。
- It is thus opposed to all forms of pantheism. 与所有泛神论相对立。
- Infidelity prevails in Europe in the form of pantheism. 在欧洲,不信教者皆以泛神论者自居。
- VOICE: Isn't pantheism the belief that God is everything? 汎神論不是相信神是全部嗎?
- Chinese Taoist sect claiming to follow the teaching of Lao-Tzu but also incorporating pantheism and sorcery. 中国道士流派,要求追随老子的教义但是也混合着泛神论和巫术。
- Ancient times the Peruvian Indians believed many kinds of polytheisms and pantheism religion. 古代秘鲁印第安人信仰多种多神论和泛神论的宗教。
- The social and religious system of orthodox Hindus, especially of the Brahmans, based on a caste structure and various forms of pantheism. 婆罗门教的教义或制度正统印度教,尤指婆罗门教的社会和宗教制度,建立在等级结构和各种形式的泛神论的基础上
- Chapter II gives a brief introduction to pantheism, about its definition, chief ideas, and history. 第二章概述泛神论的定义、主要观点和历史发展。
- The ancient Peru Indian believes in the religion of much more various absolute being theories and pantheism. 古代秘鲁印第安人信仰多种多神论和泛神论的宗教。
- The direct effect from evolutionism on him is the views that species rely on each other, that the sun and nature should be loved, and the view of pantheism. 进化论对劳伦斯自然观的直接影响来自于各个物种相互依赖的观点,热爱太阳及整个自然界的观点,泛神论的观点。
- Explores ideas including witchcraft, pantheism, angels, and cults, explaining what they are and how they relate to orthodox Christianity. 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker"s poetry and essays. 在她看来,地球上的一切事物都是相互联系的,生命界和非生命界都处在同一的生态网络中,没有等级关系,也没有统治关系。
- Some ecofeminist ideas are analyzed through categorization of such themes or motifs as Eros, Activism and Pantheism in Walker’s poetry and essays. 在她看来,地球上的一切事物都是相互联系的,生命界和非生命界都处在同一的生态网络中,没有等级关系,也没有统治关系。
- The first climbs in Yosemite Valley were no doubt those accomplished by John Muir, whose enthusiasm, athleticism and pantheism is the stuff of legend. 优胜美地山谷开始攀登无疑的是John Muir的荣耀,他的狂热、热爱运动和多神论是创造这项奇绩的原因。
- The spreading of Shamanism in Huihe lasted for a long time, its field was very extensive, its influence was very great. It took pantheism as its ideological basis, the contents included natural worship, totem worship, and ancestor worship etc. 萨满教在回鹘中流播时间长、范围广、影响大,以万物有灵论为思想基础,内容包括自然崇拜、图腾崇拜和祖先崇拜等方面。
- Zong Baihua draws on schopenhauer's philosophy,Bergson's vitalism and Goethe's pantheism,combines with Chinese classic philosophic ideas,and then brings forward that the cosmos is endless anima; the beauty lies in life. 宗白华吸收叔本华、柏格森的生命哲学和歌德的泛神论 ,与中国传统哲学思想加以融合 ,认为宇宙是无尽的生命 ,美就在生命。
- Deism serves as a media bridging the transition from religious absolutism to scientific rationality and as a conceptual preparation for Spinoza's pantheism and the French atheism in the 18th Century. 它构成了从宗教专制向科学理性过渡的重要中介,并且成为斯宾诺莎的泛神论和18世纪法国无神论的思想前提。