- The volume change journal is being deleted. 正在删除卷更改日志。
- The volume change journal is not active. 卷更改日志处于非活动状态。
- The volume change journal service is not active. 卷更改记录服务不处于活动中。
- Compressibility(B)is the measure of volume changes when a substance is subjected to changes in normal pressures or tensions. 压缩系数(B)就是当物质承受的法向压力或法向张力变化时其体积变化的度量。
- Compressibility( B )is the measure of volume changes when a substance is subjected to changes in normal pressures or tensions. 压缩系数(b)就是当物质承受的法向压力或法向张力变化时其体积变化的度量。
- Complicated volume changes of high performance concrete (HPC)is one of significant causes which results in its early-age cracking. 高性能混凝土复杂的早期体积变化是导致其易发生早期开裂的重要原因之一。
- In the compensation period of intracranial pressure increasing, brain impedance rises continuously while cerebrospinal fluid volume changes. 在颅内压升高的代偿期内,脑脊液体积将出现较大的变化,它使脑阻抗发生相应的持续增加。
- Batch image processing software, can easily switch over photo format, volume changes in size, rotation, plus language markings. 图像批量处理软件,可以轻易转换多张图片格式、批量更改尺寸、旋转、加文字标记等。
- Expansion joints also known as full movement joints are provided to accomodate expansion and contraction due to volume changes in concrete on both sides of the joint. 贮液结构的膨胀缝是一种完全变形缝 ,可以适应缝两侧的混凝土构件由于体积变化而产生的膨胀或收缩变形。
- "The remarkable similarities between the exercise-induced cerebral blood volume changes in the hippocampal formation of mice and humans suggest that the effect is mediated by similar mechanisms," they wrote. “锻炼在人类及小鼠的海马体中引起的大脑血流量改变非常相似,揭示该作用是由相似的机理进行调节的,”他们写道。
- The research shows that their changes were similar with those of Populus ussuriensis wood. The volume change from MDF to WCS mainly lies on the thickness change. 结果表明 :中密度纤维板在进行树脂浸渍和高温烧结过程中 ,其主要质量和体积变化规律与以大青杨木材为原料的情况基本相同 ,但中密度纤维板烧结成木陶瓷的体积变化主要在于其厚度变化
- It is stress-strain demonstrates the properties of non-linear and harden, volume change is always shearing shrinkage. 不同配比的淤泥废弃泡沫塑料轻质混合土的常规三轴试验(CU、CD)表明,其应力-应变关系具有明显的非线性特征和应变硬化特征。
- TDC synthetic well logging instrument can measure the volume change of mud in several mud pits at the same time. 综合录井仪采用了完全相同的浮子式传感器测量电路对多个泥浆池中泥浆的体积进行测量。
- Based on the analysis of the defect, a new control method is proposed to address the abrupt volume change on TV signal switch. 摘要针对电视接收机信号切换时音量常常突兀变化的设计缺陷,在对其进行综合分析的基础上,提出一种新的控制方式。
- The volume change,water evaporation and thecrystallization law of salts in the concentration process of the evaporated waste ammoni-a liquid ar... 实验研究结果为蒸氨废液的综合利用提供了理论依据和可靠的基础数据。
- The chemical shrinkage caused by cement hydration may bring out the volume change of mortar and concrete,and the appearance of cracking. 水泥水化反应引起的化学收缩会引起砂浆及混凝土的体积变化,可能会导致收缩裂缝的产生。
- The volume change rate and some physical properties of the spec ial rubber (R)/PE wax and R/LDPE blends in dinner and toluene were investigate d. 研究了某特种橡胶(R)与聚乙烯蜡(PE)及低密度聚乙烯(LDPE)共混硫化胶的耐天那水、甲苯的体积变化率和某些物理性能。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- Simple editing features, like transpose, volume change, midi instrument program change, delete notes or tracks, strip out pieces of the file, and save back to midi format. 简单的编辑功能,像移,体积变化,仪器的midi程式更改,删除笔记或路轨,带出件档案,并保存回的midi格式。
- They want to see substantial changes. 他们想看到实质性的变化。