- The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day. 这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。
- I am enraptured with the stroke of good fortune. 我由于这一次的幸运而狂喜。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。
- It was a stroke of luck that I found you here. 我在这里碰见你真是运气。
- Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd. 警察朝人群上方射出一排子弹。
- He was hit by a volley of snowballs. 他被一阵投来的雪球击中了。
- It was so hot yesterday that I had a heat stroke. 昨天太热,我中暑了。
- He's now fully recovered from his stroke. 他现已从中风病完全康复了。
- Your idea was a stroke of genius! 你的主意真了不起!
- Curt never did a stroke of work. Catch him! 柯特从未做过一点工作。
- Notice how the player follows through after each stroke. 注意那个球员在每次击球后怎样完成手臂动作。
- A two-fisted backhand stroke in tennis. 网球中双手握拍的反手击球
- Can you stroke him down? He is still very angry. 你能使他消消气吗?他还是非常生气。
- The angry passenger directed a volley of curses at the driver. 那愤怒的乘客对司机发出了一连串的咒骂。
- She felt the stroke of his hand on her hair. 她感觉得到他的手在自己的头发上轻轻抚摸。
- We arrived at the airport on the stroke of six. 我们六点正到达机场。
- She solved the problem at a stroke. 她一下子解决了问题。
- He was a goner after that stroke. 在那次中风之後,他已经是命在旦夕,行将就木之人。
- What a stroke of luck to meet you here! 在这儿碰到你真是幸运!
- My son can do (the) breast stroke now. 我儿子现在会蛙泳了。