- These may be interpreted from waveform or vocal chord vibration patters. 它可以用音波特性或声调振福节拍作翻译。
- Speech recognition: Pertaining to systems that recognize key spoken words as commands. These may be interpreted from waveform or vocal chord vibration patters. 语音识别:有关辨认主要说话用词作为指令的系统。它可以用音波特性或声调振福节拍作翻译。
- So, protect your vocal chords while still doing what you love. 所以当你还在爱好音乐的时候,保护好你的嗓子。
- We are hoping to develop new vocal chords that allow for a fuller sound and perhaps the playing of two to three notes or a chord of sound simultaneously. 我们正在希望创造能允许更完整声音的新歌曲,它也许是2-3个音高或说一首和音同步演唱。
- But the sound is deeply unattractive and damaging for the vocal chords. 但这种声音非常缺乏吸引力,而且有损于声带。”
- To pronounce(a normally voiced sound)without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless. 使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音
- When a nodule developed on his vocal chords causing a "disastrous" concert in Ferrara, he decided to give up singing. 当在费拉拉音乐会时,一个根瘤发展使他声带造成了"灾难性"时候,他决定放弃歌唱。
- Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords would be inadequate without controlled muscular support. 歌手每天练习用气,因为如果缺少对肌肉的控制能力,他们的声带将会很差。
- Singers practice breathing every day, as their vocal chords wouldbe inadequate without controlled muscular support. 音乐家们控制肌肉的熟练程度,必须达到与运动员或巴蕾舞演 员相当的水平。
- When a nodule developed on his vocal chords causing a disastrous concert in Ferrara, he decided to give up singing. 当在费拉拉音乐会时,一个根瘤发展使他声带造成了灾难性时候,他决定放弃歌唱。
- This is done in the doctor's office to look down the throat at the voice box and vocal chords. 这项检查是在医生的办公室里进行的,主要靠医生观察病人的喉咙和声韧带完成。
- There are two naturals in this chord. 这一和弦中有两个本位音。
- To pronounce(a normally voiced sound) without vibration of the vocal chords so as to make it wholly or partly voiceless. 使浊音变成清音发音时(标准的浊音)不振动声带,完全或部分不发出声音。
- The old gentleman swivelled his eyes on him like opera glasses and went on coughing: hack, hack, hack: the vocal chords dry as straw. 老人仔细打量着他,恨不得用观剧镜将他看个通透。接着又“咳,咳,咳”地咳嗽起来,嗓音干涩如稻草。
- First,manners of articulation are incorrec t,the movement of vocal chords disharmonious and the use of resonation unscienti fic. 一是发声方法不正确,声带运动调节失调,共鸣运用不良。
- Clearly,while I was able to retain my mental faculties,the vocal chords of my new form are incapable of making proper speech. 很明显,虽然我还保持着我的心智,我新形体的声带无法表达严格意义上的语言。
- Opera singers sometimes have problems hitting high notes in their menstrual cycle because of changes to their vocal chords. 努力追求声音完美的女歌手被建议服用避孕药,因为荷尔蒙有助稳定她们的歌声。
- A note, passage, or chord played forte. 强音用强音演奏的一个音符、段落或和弦
- Shakespearean actors need to drill their vocal chords and Miss Blanchett seemed a little short of training, but she made a likeable, vulnerable, androgynous monarch. 莎士比亚作品的演员需要训练他们的声带,而凯特似乎还未练到家,不过她诠释了一位惹人喜爱的,敏感的,雌雄莫辨的国王。
- I like instrumental music better than vocal music. 我喜欢器乐胜于声乐。