- vitelline funiculus 卵黄索
- Posterior funiculus of spinal cord. 脊髓背侧索;脊髓后索;后索;脊髓背侧索;。
- Of,relating to,or constituting a funiculus. 脐带的脐带的、与此有关的或构成脐带的
- Of, relating to, or constituting a funiculus. 脐带的脐带的、与此有关的或构成脐带的
- It is used for fresh eggs to separate egg white from vitelline. 适用于新鲜的鸡蛋的蛋清与蛋黄的分离。
- Having an ovule partially inverted and curved such that the micropyle nearly meets the funiculus. 弯生胚珠的具有部分地反向生长并变弯曲以致卵孔几乎碰到珠柄的胚珠的
- A fleshy,usually brightly colored cover of a seed,arising from the hilum or funiculus. 假种皮一种肉质的,通常色彩光亮的种子皮,由种脐或胚珠柄发育而来
- The vitelline envelope was also dissipated by proteases, and the reactive process of these proteases may need Mg2+. 因此减数分裂的恢复进行及孵育膜的形成是由镁离子开启。
- The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall, commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat. 脊,种脊植物珠柄与胚珠壁连接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道条纹或突起
- The jelly rods, the vitelline envelope and the hatching envelope were all composed of glycoproteins. 由电泳分析可知杆状胶体,卵黄外膜及孵育膜等卵外基质皆是由醣蛋白所组成。
- The scar on a seed, such as a bean, indicating the point of attachment to the funiculus. 种脐种子(如豆)上的疤痕,系胚珠于胚珠柄的痕迹
- A fleshy, usually brightly colored cover of a seed, arising from the hilum or funiculus. 假种皮一种肉质的,通常色彩光亮的种子皮,由种脐或胚珠柄发育而来
- It is the remnant of omphalomesenteric (vitelline) duct, which is usually located within 100 cm of the antimesenteric border of the terminal ileum. 出血因素为异位性胃黏膜溃疡所造成。电脑断层摄影可发现卵黄管遗迹似脂肪密度肿块充填于肠腔内。
- The VERL, a giant, unbranched glycoprotein comprising 30% of the VE, exists in the vitelline envelope and fuses with lysin by species-specificity. 鲍卵细胞膜上存在细胞溶素受体,它是大的不分支的糖蛋白分子,占据了卵黄膜30%25的组分,可以专一性地与细胞溶素相结合。
- An ovule which is half-inverted so that the funiculus is attached near the middle with the micropyle at a right angle. 珠柄与胚珠长轴成直角的半倒置胚珠。
- The vitelline envelope was dissipated very quickly when eggs were spawned in Ca2+-free ASW and this breakdown was not triggered by the proteases. 从成熟卵巢中取出卵,于正常海水中培养,有的卵黄外膜不会崩解,胶体亦不会均质化,但是仍可释出极体,所以减数分裂的恢复进行与卵黄外膜的崩解及胶质层的形成机制无关。
- The portion of the funiculus that is united to the ovule wall,commonly visible as a line or ridge on the seed coat. 脊,种脊植物珠柄与胚珠壁连接的部分,通常表现为果实外壳上的一道条纹或突起。
- Main detected the egg's moisture,salt content,viscosimet,and vitelline oiliness,vitelline exponential,vitelline coloring matter grade and so on. 主要检测了用腌制液浸泡法生产咸蛋时,蛋内的水分、食盐含量、黏度,以及蛋黄含油量、蛋黄指数、蛋黄色素等级等。
- An ovule which is curved so that the micropyle is positioned near the funiculus and the chalaza. 珠孔邻近珠柄和合点的弯曲的胚珠。
- Love eats vitelline consumer to buy yoke, the consumer that loves to have egg white buys egg white, each love somewhat, each get its. 爱吃蛋黄的消费者买蛋黄,爱吃蛋清的消费者买蛋清,各有所爱,各得其便。