- His mother told him to have a vitamin pill before leaving. 他妈妈让他在走之前吃一颗维生素药丸。
- Garlic &Vitamin Pill for Heart Disease? 大蒜与维他命对心脏病有益?
- I'm sure this vitamin pill will do wonders for your health. 我确信这颗维他命丸会对你的健康产生奇特的效果。
- Vitamin pills make up what we lack in our diet. 维生素片可以弥补我们饮食中的不足。
- As a friend of mine said, "a little indulgence is good, its like taking a vitamin pill. 正如我的一位朋友所说:“有一点着迷是好事,就像吃维他命丸一样。”
- She dosed herself up with vitamin pills. 她给自己服了一些维生素片。
- Should athletes take vitamin pills? 运动员需要吃维生素片吗?
- These vitamin pills will build up your immunity. 这些维他命丸可以提高你的免疫力。
- Vitamin pills make up what you lack in your diet. 维生素丸可补充你食物中所缺乏的营养。
- My father swears by these vitamin pills. 我爸爸非常相信这些维他命药片。
- Vitamin pills are no substitute for healthy diet. 维他命药片不能代替健康饮食。
- She has to take three vitamin pills a day until she recovers. 她每天要服用三片维生素片直到痊愈。
- She was still supplementing her diet with vitamin pills. 她仍然在服用维他命片作为饮食的补充。
- The defeat was a bitter pill to swallow. 那次失败是一次难以吞咽的苦果。
- Vitamine pills make up what you lack in your diet. 维生素片补充您饮食中所缺之物。
- If athletes have a balanced diet,they don't need to take vitamin pills. 如果运动员有营养均衡的饮食,就不需要吃维生素丸(片)。
- If athletes have a balanced diet,they dot't need to take vitamin pills. 如果运动员有营养均衡的饮食,就不需要吃维生素了。
- If athletes have a balanceddiet, they dot't need to take vitamin pills? 如果运动员有营养均衡的饮食,就不需要吃维生素丸(片)。
- Besides absorb in food besides, complement of right amount ground is vitaminic pill is OK also. 除了在饮食中摄取之外,适量地补充维他命药丸也可以。
- Eating fruits and vegetables is better than taking extra vitamin pills. 吃水果和蔬菜要比额外服用维生素药效果好得多。