- The mone time spent in the visual world,the more color lost in the real world. 在虚拟的世界中沉浸得越久,就发现现实世界失去的色彩越多。
- They will showcase their visual world inside club Tango by customizing the venue their way! 他们将通过以自己的方式将整个糖果俱乐部变成他们所定制的艺术产品。
- Welcome to arrive my homepage! If you want, will yearn for the free boy will share his visual world with you. 欢迎来到我的个人主页!如果你愿意,一个向往自由的男孩将与你分享他的视觉世界。
- If it bore the slightest obscurities, our visual world would be a fun house of warped and blurred images and glare. 只要它稍微不透明,我们的视觉世界就会变成像哈哈镜一般,充满变形而模糊的光影。
- Our goal, of course, is to learn how each set of ganglion cells extracts meaning from the visual world. 当然,我们的目标是想知道每一组节细胞如何从视觉世界萃取出意义,因为视网膜是设计来处理比闪光更有趣的讯息。
- On the other hand, with the aggravation of information in post-modern society, people live in a visual world according to sociologic opinions. 可以讲,旅游地之间的竞争某种程度上可以认为是旅游形象的竞争。
- Each of the dozen different sets of ganglion cells creates a unique readout that accentuates some aspect of the visual world. 12种不同节细胞组里的每一组所产生的独特讯号,所强调的是视觉世界的某个面向。
- We are so locked into the world of our own senses that, although we readily understand and fear a loss of vision, we cannot conjure a picture of a visual world beyond our own. 人们深陷在自己感官世界的泥沼,因此虽然我们轻易可以了解、害怕丧失视觉,但我们就是想像不到超越人类视觉世界的模样。
- The interactions among bipolar and amacrine cells that are read out simultaneously by each set of ganglion cells make up the data we receive to interpret the visual world. 每一组节细胞读取到的双极细胞与无轴突细胞之间的互动,成为我们用来解读视觉世界的数据。
- Our brains manage the overwhelming amount of data our visual sense provides by discerning visual patterns and establishing a system of priorities for the things we see, which in turn allows us to make sense of the visual world. 我们的大脑通过辨别视觉模式,并且对所见到的事物建立优先级系统来处理这些来自视觉的海量信息,之后我们才了解到这个视觉世界。
- Whereas art historians will dilate on the symbolism of capturing the visual world in the convex mirror prominently displayed on the rear wall, I will be concerned instead with its optical properties, such as its focal length and light-gathering power. 艺术史学者会注意后面墙上那面醒目的凸面镜,对它捕捉了视觉世界的象徵意义加以热烈讨论,而我则会专注于它的光学特性,如焦距与聚光能力。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。
- The orient has been playing an active role in the world economy. 亚洲一直在世界经济中发挥积极作用。
- The slide cut off the valley from the rest of the world. 山崩切断了这个山谷与外界的联系。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- Telescopes and microscopes are visual instruments. 望远镜和显微镜是光学仪器。
- I wouldn't sell that picture for all the world. 我无论如何也不卖那幅画。
- Near-sightedness is a visual defect. 近视是一个视力缺陷。