- visual document image 视觉文档图像
- Algorithms for elimination of back-to-front interference of visual document images 视觉文档图像中反渗噪声的去除方法
- Why and when to use document imaging? 为什么、在何时使用document imaging?
- "Gay Sex in the 70s is a stunning visual document of New York during the decade of gay liberation and sexual abandon following Stonewall and before the outbreak of AIDS. 70年代的同志性生活>>是一部摄人眼球的记录片,记录了石墙运动后爱滋爆发前的十年中同性恋解放和性泛滥时候的纽约。
- Any file type that can be printed to the Microsoft Office Document Image Writer is supported. 它支持任何可以打印到Microsoft Office Document Image Writer的文件类型。
- In the Name list in the Print dialog box, click Microsoft Office Document Image Writer. 在“打印”对话框中的“名称”列表中,单击“Microsoft Office Document Image Writer”。
- The Office Document Image Writer is installed by default when you install Office 2003. 默认情况下,Office Document Image Writer在安装Office 2003时进行安装。
- To use the fax services, the Microsoft Office Document Image Writer driver is required. 若要使用传真服务,必须安装Microsoft Office Document Image Writer驱动程序。
- The selected text is actually contained in a hidden layer, separate from the document image. 所选文本实际包含在隐藏的层中,与文档图像是分离的。
- An efficient skew detection algorithm was proposed for complex document image containing figure or form contents. 摘要针对扫描背景不定且含有图表信息的复杂文本图像,提出了一种有效的倾斜检测方法。
- On the whole, this thesis has accomplished the software design of a Chinese document image analysis system. 整体而言,本论文系完成一个中文文件影像分析系统之软体设计;
- The Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum's T.30 fax standard provides the protocol for controlling the transmission of the fax document image. 企业计算机电话论坛的T.;30传真标准为控制传真文档图像的传输提供了协议。
- The slant correction and form recognition of document image are the most important applications in the field of Optical Character Recognition. 文档图像的倾斜校正和表格识别是字符识别技术最重要的应用领域之一。
- Detecting reading order for text layout exclud ed by image is a key problem in document image understanding (DIU) and text typese tting. 图文互斥版面中确定文字的阅读顺序是排版及版面理解过程中的一个难点。
- The potential text margin in the perspective document image is a convex quadrilateral and in the oringinal document is a rectangle. 文字区潜在的文本框,它在透视文本图像中是一个凸四边形,它对应于原文本中的是一个矩形。
- The efficient document image automatic de-skew algorithm is described We can get WVDs of horizontal histogram by projecting the document image. 提出了一种效率很高的文档图像纠偏算法,即利用文档图像的水平投影值,得到水平投影值的维格纳-威利分布。
- The relation between the convex quadrilateral and the rectangle was used to determine a homographic matrix.The perspective document image was rectified by the homographic matrix. 应用这种凸四边形与矩形的对应关系可以确定透视变换的单应矩阵,应用该单应矩阵实现对透视文本图像的校正。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。
- A binarization method for digital camera-based document image was proposed.The method is a combination of the global thresholding, local thresholding and the gray gradient method. 摘要提出了一种数码相机拍摄的文本图像的二值化方法,该方法是全局阈值、局部阈值与灰度梯度方法的结合。
- Her designs have a strong visual appeal. 她的设计在视觉上很有感染力。