- Mirzoeff, N. (2004). An introduction to visual culture. 陈芸芸(2004)(译)。视觉文化导论。台北:韦伯文化。
- This has reflected the alternation of the dominant position from "language culture" to "visual culture". 而这种转化正体现了两种文化范式,即语言文化与视觉文化主导地位的交替。
- Comparing with printing culture, visual culture has popular, sensuous and virtual features. 和印刷文化比较,视觉文化具有大众性、可感性、虚拟性的特征。
- The homogeneous visual culture promoted by industries that depend on the breeding of body insecurity is disquieting. 通过灌输对形体的不自信来牟利的企业导致了一种单一化的视觉系文化,如此实在令人忧虑。
- The Research Archive on Hong Kong Design is a collection of historical information related to Hong Kong design and popular visual culture. 香港设计研究资料库是一个整存香港设计历史及普及视觉文化多面体的资料库。
- Iconology and Semiotics are the models applied in the western academic study.Meanwhile,they can be employed in the study of visual culture. 图像学和符号学同属于西方学术研究的模式,都可应用于视觉文化的研究。
- Hooper-Greenhill, E.(2000),Culture and meaning in the museum, Museums and the Interpretation of Visual Culture, London and New York. 王秀雄(1998),社教机构(美术馆)美术鑑赏教育的理论与实务,观赏、认知、解释与评价---美术鑑赏教育的学理与实务,台北:国立历史博物馆。
- "Together with Foster,these Visual Culture writers resonate a profound and enervated anxiety as to what to do about design in contemporary culture. 与福斯特一起,这些视觉文化作家对在当今文化中,设计该做什么产生了深远又无力的担忧。
- During this period the design publications can be solidified the visual culture, with a unique form of a lattice pattern. 这一时期的出版物设计可以说是凝固了当时的视觉文化现象,形成了独具一格的形态样式。
- Newbury, D. (2002), Changing Practices: Art Education and Popular Visual Culture, Richard Hickman, Art Education, 11-18, 69-82, London: Continuum. 蔡源煌(1989);解严前后的人文观察;台北:远流.
- The visual experience of man is a technologized visual experience.It insists on the media technology when researching on visual culture. 在对视觉和视觉文化内涵的梳理过程中,发现人们的视觉经验是一种技术化的视觉经验,对于视觉文化而言,强调的是视觉媒介技术。
- Perhaps we have reasons to say that in the era of visual culture, the language is slowly becoming a footnote image, image has become protagonist. 也许我们有理由说,在视觉文化时代,文字正在慢慢地沦为图像的脚注,图像成了主角。
- The visual culture not only brings lots of images,but more importantly it subverts the people's conventional world outlook and lifestyle. 视觉文化不仅为我们带来了大量的影像,更为重要的是,它颠覆了人们传统以来的世界观和生活方式。
- It strives to document meaningful (typo/graphic) design information and discussion and also serves as an outlet of the blogger's thinking on design and visual culture. 这个博客力争记录有意义的(文字/平面)设计资讯和讨论,同时也是本人对于设计和视觉文化思考的文字记录。
- As part of the emerging paradigm of visual culture in art education, the author examines the personal, social and political significance of family photography in the West. 摘要作者以艺术教育中视觉文化的部分模式,来检视西方家庭摄影对个人、社会和政治的重要性。
- High technology initiates new atmosphere of animation art, change of visual culture and community.It endues Disney animation with a pair of flying wings. 高新技术引发动画艺术新气象,引发视觉文化的转向,引发接受群体的新变化,为迪斯尼动画插上了腾飞的翅膀。
- So it's of important meaning to analyze the resonated relation between the media and visual culture with the“media”as the key to understand the society. 因而把“媒介”作为理解视觉文化的一把钥匙,对媒介与视觉文化之间的共振关系进行分析,就展现出其重要意义。
- UCCA is proud to be sited in such a vibrant location and we have developed an exhibition program that aims to convey the depth and vitality of contemporary visual culture today. 对于尤伦斯当代艺术中心正式落户798艺术区,他这样评论道:“中国在世界艺术领域扮演着日益重要的角色,北京正在成为艺术领域的一个世界中心。
- Within the artworks, the past and present visual culture of China is juxtaposed to create a dialogue between the icons of the Maoist vision and the contemporary visions of utopia. 在这些作品中,中国过去与当今的视觉文化被并置,以创造一种毛主席时期的图像与当代时期的图像之间,就乌托邦概念的一次对话。
- Advertising Design in Visual Culture in the building plays an important role in improving the brand image of enterprises, and promote product sales play an active role. 广告设计在视觉文化建设中扮演着重要的角色,在提高品牌企业形象、促进产品销售中起着积极作用。