- Corneal scarring and acquired astigmatism are the major causes affecting postoperative vision acuity. 角膜瘢痕和散光是影响术后视力提高的主要因素。
- The conventional managements mainly focus on the prevention of relavant complications or maintain of the present vision acuity, but fail to getting rid of the thrombus. 传统治疗方法旨在预防并发症的出现和保存现有视力,没有从根本上解除血栓的阻塞作用。
- The customized ablation with wavefront abbration can make the eves get better vision, even make some get normal vision acuity. 个体化切削通过像差矫正使矫正视力达不到正常近视眼视力者得到提高,部分患者获得正常视力。
- Objective:To evaluate the practical use of the low vision acuity chart for highly amblyopic children who undergo vision therapy. 目的:应用低视力对数视力表评价严重弱视患儿的疗效。
- Objective To investigate the causes and reduction of vision acuity in the patients with dislocation of posterior chamber intraocular lens(PC IOL). 目的探讨后房人工晶状体植入术后各种晶状体脱位的原因及对视力的影响。
- Conclusion: The customized ablation with wavefront abbration can make the eves get better vision, even make some get normal vision acuity. 结论:个体化切削通过像差矫正使矫正视力达不到正常近视眼视力者得到提高,部分患者获得正常视力。
- Conclusions Secondary cataract extraction, anterior vitrectomy and optic capture of the intraocular lens might decrease the stimulation to iris and uveitis and increase vision acuity. 结论后囊切开、前部玻璃体切除及后囊后人工晶状体嵌顿术可以解除人工晶状体对虹膜的刺激,术后葡萄膜炎症反应较轻,视力提高。
- Low vision acuity chart for evaluating severely amblyopic children 低视力对数视力表在严重弱视儿童视力评价中的应用价值
- Keywords Myopia Excimer laser Keratorefractiv surgery Stereopsis vision acuity; 近视;准分子激光;角膜屈光术;立体视觉;
- The clinical analysis of the vision acuity after intraocular lens implantation with phacoemulsification 超声乳化人工晶状体植入术后影响视力临床分析
- The relationship between reactive time of vision examination, vision acuity and the result of vision examination 视力检测反应时间与视力及视力结果关系的探讨
- It came within my range of vision. 该物体进入了我的视野。
- We need someone with real vision to lead the party. 我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。
- The ship came within range of vision. 已经看得见那条船了。
- How do you cope with the problem of poor vision? 怎样解决视力不好这一难题呢?
- Our field of vision is limited by that tall building. 我们的视野受到了那座高层建筑物的限制。
- An organ of vision or of light sensitivity. 眼睛感受视觉或光觉的器官
- She unites common sense and vision. 她兼具常识与见识。
- She is a vision of loveliness with her golden hair. 她长著一头金发,真是可爱极了。
- People wear glasses to improve their vision. 人们戴眼镜以改善视力。