- viscous oil emulsification 稠油乳化
- Application of ESP technology on viscous oil recovery. 抗稠油电潜泵工艺技术与应用
- Among them the foam capacity and oil emulsification capacity for soluble protein was the best. 结果表明,棉籽溶解蛋白的乳化性和起泡性较佳;
- Therefore, oil viscosity m ust be considered in sand control design in viscous oil field. 因此 ,对稠油油藏进行防砂设计时应考虑原油黏度的影响
- Organic polymers and petroleum hydrocarbons are the main pollutants in viscous oil wastewater. 有机聚合物和石油烃类物质是稠油废水中的主要污染物。
- The results show that interbed in the viscous oil reservor is an undefined variable during the reservoir production. 模拟结果表明:油藏中夹层的存在对开采不一定是不利因素;
- The special-crude oil emulsification HLB value of 3050 well of Xiaowa oilfield in Liaohe oilfield was determined with fluorescence law. 摘要采用荧光法测定了辽河油田小洼油田3050井特稠油乳化HLB值。
- Screw pumps can be effectively used for oil withdrawal on viscous oil wells, sand wells, low production wells and those late in water-drive course. 螺杆泵能用于游梁式机泵和电潜果无法拍采的稠油并、含砂油并和低产油井及中后期水驱油田的采油作业。
- The aim of the research is to find out how the water cut,pressure and temperature affect the rheological property of emulsion viscous oil. 此项研究的目的在于揭示含水率、压力和温度等对稠油乳状液流变特性的影响。
- The viscous thinner using in Kelamayi Oilfield were studied and filtered in lab according to the over high viscidity and lower fluidity of viscous oil. 针对稠油特稠油因粘度过高、流动性差而引起的井筒供液不足、抽汲困难、影响产能等问题,通过室内试验,对克拉玛依稠油所用降粘剂进行研究、筛选。
- To viscous oil reservoir with formation cementation and sanding,there are two sand removal management methods which are sand control and sand remwval. 对于地层胶结疏松、易出砂的稠油油藏 ,有防砂、排砂两种出砂管理方式。
- A new technology of production logging with looped pipeline was introduced to suit to sallow horizontal well with viscous oil. 介绍了一种适用于浅层超稠油水平井的副管生产测井新技术。
- The insulation pipe technique has been developed for improving formation test effect of viscous oil reservoirs in Bohai Sea. 摘要为了改善渤海稠油油藏地层测试效果,提出了保温管技术。
- In this project practising one pipe diversified use, the mergence of water-mixing station and subpump station and the mergence of viscous oil me... 并进行了一管多用、掺水站和接转站合建、稠油计量和注汽分配站合建、掺污水进行定量控制等有益的尝试,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。
- In Can 2X1 small fault-block viscous oil reservoir in Jidong Oilfield, reservoir is buried deeply, boundary and bottom water is active. 冀东油田蚕2X1小断块稠油油藏埋藏深、边底水较活跃,为此提出以热采作为该块的开发手段。
- Both SZ 36 - 1 and QHD 32 - 6 are low pressure viscous oil fields with unconsolidated reservoirs and very high porosity. 绥中36-1油田和秦皇岛32-6油田都属低压稠油油藏,其储层岩石疏松,孔渗性极佳。
- Surfactant producing bacteria plays an important role in microbial enhanced oil recovery, especially in the field of viscous oil exploitation by bacteria. 摘要产表面活性剂菌在微生物采油特别是稠油微生物开采领域起着重要作用。
- The hydraulic feedback subsurface pump with double plungers, which is developed on the basis of conventional subsurface pumps is a special pump for viscous oil recovery. 双柱塞反馈式抽油泵是在改进常规抽油泵结构的基础上发展起来的一种适于高粘原油开采的特殊抽油泵。这种泵在使用中柱塞损坏相当严重,极大地影响了油井的正常生产。
- Commercial microbes Paragone of MicroTes company, USA, are selected for microbial enhanced production of viscous oil at Block Qian 12 of Jingzhou Oil Production Factory, Liaohe. 本文介绍辽河油田锦州采油厂开展微生物开采稠油技术试验情况,详细报道了微生物开采稠油技术的现场试验工艺及试验结果。
- Aiming at the characteristics of high viscous oiland thin reservoirs in Henan oilfield,this paper puts forward a new method of emulsifying productioii of viscous oil. 本文针对河南油田稠油粘度高、油层薄等特点提出了稠油乳化开采新方法。