- Visa applicant will have to wait at least two weeks. 申请办理签证者至少要等2周才能办好。
- Visa applicant will have to wait at least two weeks . 申请办理签证者至少要等2周才能办好。
- He fille in his visa application form. 他填写签证申请表。
- Which Visa Application Form should I complete? 我应该填写那一种签证申请表格?
- Or by telephoning the Visa Application Centre in. 与成都签证申请中心预约咨询。
- Do you need invitation letter for visa application? 是否需要为您安排签证邀请?
- How do you fill out visa applications accurately? 如何准确地填写签证申请表?
- Gook luck your visa application!! 这样可多签几次。谢谢!
- We will forward the visa application to the consulate. 我们将把签证申请转寄到领事馆。
- I'm here for the interview relating to my visa application. 我来参加申请签证的面谈。
- That the guarantor is obliged to report any incidents of the visa applicant violating the laws and regulations, public order and boni mores of the ROC. 1被保证人入境后如有违反中华民国法令,妨害中华民国公共秩序或善良风俗者,本人负检举之责。
- Aryee has appealed to Singapore to reconsider his visa application. 阿尔耶在这段时间内一直呼吁新加坡当局重新考虑自己的签证申请。
- Visa applicants will have to wait at least two weeks . 申请办理签证者至少要等2周才能办好。
- Visa applications will not be accepted in the afternoon. 下午不接受签证申请。
- We believe visa applicants continue to receive value for money. 我们相信申请人将会继续得到物有所值的服务。
- Have you ever been declined for Chinese visa application? 你是否被拒绝过赴华签证?
- The visa application fee may be paid in cash or by postal order. 签证申请费可以用现金支付也可以用汇票支付。
- All visa applications will be processed within one day. 所有的申请都将在一天之内处理完毕。
- We will forward the visa application to the consulate . 我们将把签证申请转寄到领事馆。
- The photograph of each passport or visa applicant must be an unmounted full face photo, taken within the past six months. 每位护照或签证申请人的照片必须为近期(最近6个月)无边框正面照片。