- These varieties were susceptible to blast and stripe virus diseases. 这些品种多感染稻瘟病和水稻条纹叶枯病毒病。
- Duck contagion hepatitis etc. virus disease. 鸭传染性肝炎等病毒病。
- Resistant to Virus disease and Anthracnose. 一般单果重200克左右,抗病毒、炭疽病能力强。
- Two important virus diseases, maize dwarf mosaic and stunt, both transmitted by leaf hoppers. 另外两种重要的病毒性疾病分别是玉米嵌纹病毒和萎缩性黑穗病,都是通过叶蝉传播。
- TMV CP;different constructs;methylation;post transcriptional gene silencing;watermelon;virus diseases;transformation;resistance. 不同结构形式;甲基化;转录后基因沉默;西瓜病毒病;转基因;抗病性
- This insect attacks the raspberry crop and transmits virus disease. 这种蚜虫危害树莓并传播病毒
- Applying thermotherapy, meristem culture, micropropagation and chemical preparation may provide effective ways for eliminating the pear virus diseases. 热处理、茎尖培养、微体嫁接、化学制剂处理及其联合应用为梨病毒的脱毒提供了有效途径;
- During breeding, Muscovy Ducks were suffered from some virus diseases which lead to the Muscovy Ducks industry severe economic losses. 番鸭饲养过程中受到多种病毒性疾病的危害,使番鸭养殖业遭受很大的经济损失,因此研制开发番鸭基因工程IFN用于鸭病毒性疾病的防治是行业的一种积极选择。
- Traditional methods may lead to increasing of other pests.For example, weeds and arthropods control by people can increase virus diseases. 因此人们研究试验了许多土壤消毒的方法,以期采用一次操作来达到消灭所有的苗期病虫草害的目的。
- The virus diseases in processed tomato in Xinjiang production area such as Kuitun, Shihezi, Manasi, Changji, Yanqi, Bohu etc were investigated. 摘要对新疆奎屯、石河子、玛纳斯、昌吉、焉者和博湖等加工番茄产区进行了加工番茄病毒病害调查。
- Amino-oligosaccharin was applied on tobacco to control tobacco virus diseases, The results indicate that Amino-oligosaccharin can control TMV and CMV evidently. 试验结果表明,喷施氨基寡糖素后能有效促进烟株生长发育,对烟草病毒病有较好的防治作用,特别对CMV防效更佳,室内接种实验防效达到34。
- But the influenza vaccine prevention causes by the flu virus disease. 而流感疫苗预防由流行性感冒病毒引起的疾病。
- Hunan is one of the most important citrus producers in China, but its citriculture suffers from several virus diseases such as Citrus Tristeza Virus (CTV), Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus (CTLV), Citrus Exocortis Viroid (CEVd), Satsuma Dwarf Virus (SDV) etc. 作为柑橘大省,湖南近年来先后报道了柑橘衰退病(Citrus Tristeza Virus,CTV)、碎叶病(Citrus Tatter Leaf Virus,CTLV)、裂皮病(Citrus Exocortis Viroid,CEVd)和温州蜜柑萎缩病(Satsuma Dwarf Virus,SDV)等病毒类病害的存在,为我省柑橘病毒的预防敲响警钟。
- It conducted research on common diseases hazarding abalone breeding, especially on spherical virus disease with most harm. 调查了危害鲍鱼养殖和育苗过程中常见的病害,对危害性最大的球状病毒病进行了深入的研究,并提出了有效的防治措施。
- Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis. 科学家们发现,这种特殊品质的兔子易患一种叫做“多发性粘液瘤”的致命病毒性疾病。
- Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit was susceptible to a fatal virus disease,myxomatosis. 科学家们发现,这种特殊品质的兔子易患一种叫做“多发性粘液瘤”的致命病毒性疾病。
- Containment of an outbreak of Marburg virus disease also requires the rapid tracing and isolation of contacts. 遏制马尔堡出血热暴发还需要迅速追踪和隔离接触者。
- Marburg virus disease has no vaccine or curative treatment, and can be rapidly fatal. 马尔堡出血热无疫苗或有效治疗,并可迅速致命。
- Marburg virus disease is an acute febrile illness accompanied by severe haemorrhagic manifestations. 马尔堡出血热是一种急性发热性疾病,伴有严重出血表现。
- Preliminary report of field trials on the control of tobacco mosaic virus disease by anti virus agents Duxiao etc. 毒消等抗病毒制剂防治烟草花叶病试验初报。