- Yin Chen Virgate Wormwood Herb Herba Artemisiae Scopariae 茵陈粉末
- virgate wormwood herb. 茵陈
- Yin Chen Virgate Wormwood Herb 茵陈提取物
- virgate wormwoodn. 猪毛蒿
- virgate wormwood herb 茵陈(中药)
- Analysis On 22 Cases of Post-Surgery Unextinctive Jaundice Treated Dialectically by Traditional Chinese Medicine Mainly with Virgate Wormwood Herb, Rhubarb and Densefruit Pittany Root-bark 中药治疗外科术后黄疸不退22例疗效分析
- Your words must be gall and wormwood to him. 你的话在他听来一定逆耳。
- Neil was convicted of fraud and is serving time in Wormwood Scrubs. 尼尔被判有欺诈罪,现在温华华德·斯克监狱服刑。
- European wormwood; minor source of absinthe. 欧洲的一种蒿草;是苦艾酒的次要来源。
- Wormwood incense, incense Mantang. 艾草香,香满堂。
- European wormwood similar to common wormwood in its properties. 欧洲的一种洋艾,特征类似一般的洋艾。
- Wormwood is flourishing in that low-lying, damp area. 那片低湿滩地里生长着茂密的大篙。
- But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. 至终却苦似茵?,快如两刃的刀。
- But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a twoedged sword. 至终却苦似茵蔯、快如两刃的刀。
- Recalling my affliction and homelessness is wormwood and gall. 我回忆著我的困厄和痛苦,尽是茹苦含辛!
- We bought some beach wormwood to drive away mosquitoes. 夏天我们买了些蒌蒿来驱蚊。
- Pro5:4 But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword. 箴5:4至终却苦似茵??,快如两刃的刀。
- He has filled me with bitterness; He has made me drunk with wormwood. 15?使苦楚充满我,使我喝足茵?。
- He hath filled me with bitterness, he hath made me drunken with wormwood. 他用苦楚充满我,使我饱用茵陈。
- Harsh conditions and long working hours were gall and wormwood to early trade unionists. 恶劣的条件和漫长的工作时间是早期工会工作者苦恼的原因。