- Oversees the virescence in the company. 公司绿化的管理。
- virescence in slope 边坡绿化
- Constructing craft of virescence in Fen-Liu highway top slope 汾柳高速上边坡绿化施工艺
- Preliminary Discussion on Margin Slope Virescence in Residence Zone 浅谈住宅小区边坡绿化
- The main drawbacks of garden virescence in Dongli lake area of Tianjin Binhai were analyzed, the corresponding countermeasures and technical measures were also put forward. 摘要分析了天津滨海东丽湖地区园林绿化的主要障碍,并提出了相应的治理对策及主要技术措施。
- Therefore, surfaces that differ significantly in slope can be clearly distinguished. 因此我们能够清楚地区别出斜率明显不同的表面。
- The prestressed anchor-cable and lattice beam is a kind of new complex structure used in slope protection. 预应力锚索格构梁由于其多方面的优点而在工程中得到了广泛的应用。
- This article take city virescence in zhangjiagang as example, make a particular intruduction for actual performance of this buget authorize, and have an evaluate on the gained experience and problems existed. 算模式的部门预算编制体制改革,并逐步探索出一套比较成功的编制标准和方法。本文以张家港市城市绿化工作为实例,详细介绍了这种预算编制模式的实际操作流程,评价。
- The apply of wild ornamental ground cover plants in city virescence in Hangzhou can improve the city's sight, show the local resource trait and increase the wild interest of gardens. 在杭州市城市绿化中应用野生观赏地被植物资源不仅能提高城市的景观效果,还能充分体现地方的资源特色,增添园林景观中的野趣。
- This article puts forward some new ideas about roof virescence in old buildings from such aspects as roof waterproof technique, planting technique, the choice of plant and roof medium, etc. 该文从屋顶防水技术、种植技术、种植植物与屋顶介质选择等方面对既有建筑的屋顶改造技术提出了一些新设想。
- The function curve of CSB after hypotension was shifted to the left of those of normotensive state with no significant change in slope of the curves (P>0.5) . 低血压时CSB功能曲线较正常血压时向左上方移位;曲线斜率的变化在统计学上没有意义(P>0.;5)。
- There is still no effective model for analysis of frame beams with anchor pier, which is widely used in slope reinforcement engineering. 在预应力锚索加固边坡工程中,对于锚墩加框架梁受力体系的分析,目前还未见有效的计算模式。
- The superficial rock weathering in slope results in strength abasement and rock creeps are key factors that affect slope stability. 此外,边坡浅层岩体风化导致岩体强度降低,边坡岩体出现蠕变性也是影响边坡稳定性的重要因素。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The crawler makes remarkable stability and gradeability and can be widely used in slope, roof, side and floor underground drilling. 该车模块化设计,车身小、结构紧凑、重心低、机动灵活、工作稳定、爬坡能力强。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- Borehole inclinometer is a monitoring instrument in situ to measure lateral displacement of borehole.It is extensively used in slope engineering. 钻孔测斜仪是一种测定钻孔横向位移的原位监测仪器,在边坡工程原位监测中应用最为广泛。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。