- Try not to use violence against children. 尽量不要对儿童实施暴力行为。
- He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. 他谴责抗议者对警察使用暴力。
- That is end the violence against all women once for all! 那就是停止一切对所有女性的暴力行为!
- Assault is a crime of violence against another person. 攻击是一种犯罪行为指以暴力侵害他人。
- Laws forbidding violence against women are now being drafted. 针对反对妇女暴力的法案正在起草。
- Impunity is especially prevalent in cases of violence against women in Haiti. 免刑责在海地特别盛行尤其是对女性暴力来说。
- The dictator was on his way to grave for his constant violence against people. 这个独裁者不断地向人民实行暴政,就是在自取灭亡。
- The player was sent off the field for intentional violence against members of the opposing team. 这个职员由于故意伤害对方队员而被罚下了场。
- We oppose violence directed against innocent civilians and disapprove the practice of using violence against violence. 我们反对针对无辜平民的暴力活动,不赞成以暴易暴。
- Because of the violence against your brother Jacob, Shame will cover you, and you will be cut off forever. 因你向兄弟雅各行强暴,羞愧必遮盖你,你也必永远被剪除。
- Develop services to prevent violence against women and to protect women victims of violence. 开展防止针对妇女暴力的服务以及保护受暴力侵犯的妇女被害人。
- For thy violence against thy brother Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever. 因你向兄弟雅各行强暴,羞愧必遮盖你,你也必永远断绝。
- It is a day to recognize the goal of ending violence against women. November 25th was chosen to honor three sisters in the Dominican Republic. 这一天被定为结束对妇女暴力行为的日子,选择11月25日是为了纪念多米尼加的三姐妹.
- Diplomats have accused rebels and army soldiers of taking part in wide-spread rampant violence against civilians. 外交官指责反叛分子和军队士兵参与广泛猖獗的针对平民的暴力行为。
- David Sumner: No. I care. This is where I live. This is me. I will not allow violence against this house. 不,我在乎。这是我生活的地方,我的地盘。在这所房子,我就不允许发生任何的暴力。
- In his weekly radio address, the president again accused militants of waging a campaign of violence against Israel. 在其每周讲话中,总统再次谴责哈马斯军队对以色列开展的暴力活动。
- The recent violence against African migrant workers in South Africa has shocked and saddened the world. 近来,南非针对非洲外来劳工的暴力行动震惊了世界,也令人觉得悲哀。
- The pontiff condemned sexual violence against women and chided any African countries that have approved abortion. 教宗谴责针对女性的性暴力并指责所有同意(妇女)堕胎的非洲国家。
- And we deplore the violence against innocent civilians anywhere that it takes place. 我们强烈反对发生在世界任何地方的针对无辜平民的暴力。
- They are not afraid to use violence against Gulliver, though their arrows are little more than pinpricks. 他们不怕对格列佛动武,哪怕他们的箭比针刺还小。