- To violate a moral or divine law; sin. 违反道德或天条;犯罪
- !I am accompanied namely a few friends ate a lunch maly with, how to violate a provision? 我就是陪几个朋友和一个男的吃了顿午饭,怎么就违反条款了?
- A person who has violated a criminal law. 触犯刑法的人。
- Violating a rule or an accepted practice; erring. 有过失的,犯错的违章的或违背公认常规的;犯错的
- "Their action violates a lot of public interests. “他们的行为违反很多的公众利益。
- If you decide you must violate a rule, then document why you have done so. 如果你确定要违背一条规则,就记录下你这么做的理由。
- The basis concerns a provision, the enterprise decides to lengthen working hours, want to one negotiates a program. 根据有关规定,企业决定延长工作时间,要有一个协商程序。
- Condition: a provision making the effect of a legal instrument contingent on occurrence of an uncertain future event. 先行条件:一条只有在将来一个不确定的事件发生后才具有法律效力的条款。
- People are waiting for the new tax law that includes a provision for tax relief on personal and corporate donations. 人们正在等待新税法的颁布,它包括了一条对个人和团体向文化、教育、科学和体育机构捐赠的减免税的条款。
- The 76th minute, Thomasson prevents the German branch to violate a regulation by the yellow-card warning. 第76分钟,托马森阻挡德科犯规被黄牌警告。
- It is safe to assert that no government proper even had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. 我们可以确定地说,没有一个正式的政府曾经在其组织法中规定它自己的结束。
- Afterward Esposito to praises the race horse to violate a regulation has the yellow card. 随后埃斯波西托对夸雷斯马犯规吃到黄牌。
- A provision of the agreement transfers the Dutch colony of New Amsterdam to England, which renamed it New York. 根据协议的规定,将荷兰的殖民地新阿姆斯特丹移交给英格兰,并重命名为纽约。
- It should have a provision, the academy says, that driving privileges will be revoked if the contract is violated. 必须要有预防措施;专家说;如果(青少年)违反了驾驶合同;其驾驶权利将被取消.
- Second half Yi Jianlian starts to sleepwalk, as soon as comes up shooting to violate a regulation, the result two do not punish unexpectedly. 下半场易建联开始梦游,一上来投篮被犯规,结果竟然两罚不中。
- Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity, and a provision in old age. 学问在得意时是装饰品,失意时是庇护所,年老时是供应品。
- But the China capital organization will repeatedly violate a regulation will lay down without doubt for a next huger disaster the foreshadowing. 而中资机构屡次犯规无疑将为今后更大灾害埋下伏笔。
- It is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination. 我们可以断言,没有一个正式政府曾经在其组织法中,规定一个使自己寿终正寝的条款。
- The management covenant shall respect the social morality, and shall not violate a law or administrative regulation or damage any public interest. 管理规约应当尊重社会公德,不得违反法律、法规或者损害社会公共利益。
- Learning is an ornament in prosperity, a refuge in adversity and a provision in old age. 人处顺境时,学识是饰品;逆境时,学识是慰藉;老年时,学识是给养。