- villous placenta 绒毛胎盘
- Formation of a placenta in the uterus. 胎盘形成胎盘在子宫中的形成过程
- The type or structure of a placenta. 胎盘形式或构造
- Methods The mRNA levels of ET-1,ETA and ETB were determined using RT-PCR in placenta villous from 30 cases of NP and 60 cases of PIH. 方法采用逆转录聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测60例妊娠高血压疾病和30例正常妊娠胎盘绒毛组织ET-1、ETA和ETB的mRNA表达,并设立GAPDH内对照对PCR产物作半定量分析。
- Having no placenta, as marsupials and monotremes. 无胎盘的无胎盘的,如有袋目哺乳动物和单孔目动物
- A villous formation, surface, or coating. 绒毛状绒毛状的形态、表面或外层
- The patient had a villous adenoma. 这个病人曾长过绒毛状腺瘤。
- Earlier studies linked the placenta to the disease. 早期的研究认为,该病与胎盘有关。
- Sterile ovary globose, densely ferruginous villous. 不育的子房球状,密被具铁锈色长柔毛。
- Herbs, glabrous or villous, rarely hispidulous. 草本,无毛的或具长柔毛,很少具短硬毛。
- Fraternal twins share one placenta. 异卵双生共享一个胎盘。
- Stem glabrous basally. Rachis sparsely villous. 无毛的茎基部。轴疏生长柔毛。
- Having no placenta,as marsupials and monotremes. 无胎盘的无胎盘的,如有袋目哺乳动物和单孔目动物
- Style ca. 1 cm, densely villous. 花柱长约1厘米,密被长柔毛。
- Pedicel 1-5 cm, sparsely aculeate and villous. 花梗1-5厘米,稀少尖锐和具长柔毛。
- Stem 7.5-30 cm tall, crisped glandular villous. 茎7.;5-30厘米高,皱波状的具腺的具长柔毛。
- Petals to 1.2 cm, involute, margin densely villous. 花瓣达1.;2厘米,内卷,边缘密具长柔毛的。
- Results The distribution of VEGF in placenta of normal group is similar to that of PIH group.They all are found in villous trophoblast,villous blood vessels and villous strome. 结果VEGF在正常妊娠胎盘和妊高征胎盘中分布基本一致,分布在滋养细胞、血管及绒毛间质。
- A stalk connecting an ovule or a seed with the placenta. 珠柄与胚珠或含胎座的种子相接的叶柄
- Objective To compare the mRNA expression of endothelin-1(ET-1),ET-1 receptors ETA and ETB in placenta villous from normal pregnancy(NP) and pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). 目的探讨妊娠高血压疾病患者胎盘绒毛组织内皮素-1(ET-1)及其受体(ETA、ETB)的mRNA表达,了解其与妊娠高血压疾病的关系。